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Days turned into weeks, as Sya was challenged everyday in the Arena of Blood. During the night, Sya built her alliance with her siblings who wanted their freedom. Snowball guarded her home while Sya left in the dark of the night into secret meetings held by those that would risk everything for a chance of freedom. They were still weary of her, but she was the lesser of the two evils.

Three weeks have passed by since Sya arrived back to Blackmire Island and tonight was the night their plans would go into action. Her actions in the Arena of Blood had solidified her position as heir of Blackmire Island and had caused Zion great joy. He had invited Sya over to his courtyard for a late night celebration.

In the end, after three weeks of killing the siblings that were against her. There were 15 siblings that were true to each other and had slowly placed their trust in Sya. Even if it's just a little bit, they believed her enough to give her the protection and support she needed to carry out her plans.

After going over the plan one more time, they all adjourned and Sya made her way back to her courtyard, to take a quick bath, before dressing for the celebration with Zion.

When Sya reached Zion's courtyard, she was lead directly to the pagoda that was in the middle of the pond. He said still, drinking wine as the two maids served him, while the twenty stood on both sides of the room. With two maids behind her, Sya felt as if she walked into a trap.

Sya bowed her head in greeting before getting up to sit at the table was set up across from Zion. The two maids behind Sya poured tea into the cup and placed it in front of Sya.

Sya's senses were hyper aware. She looked calm on the outside, but inside, she was panicking.

"Your performance in the last couple of weeks have made me very proud of you." Zion said as he drank the wine in his hand in one gulp. When it was refilled, he quickly drank it again. Over and over it was refilled, then it was quickly gone with one shot straight to the back of his throat. "It made me quite happy that I have chosen correctly. You have brought me great joy."

Sya brought the tea up, as to thank Zion for the kind words and when she brought the liquid to her mouth, she did not drink it, it just touched her lips and made it seem like she drank it.

"The moon is at its highest point tonight. Where the Moon Goddess is at its strongest." Zion said as he stood up. "Come. Take a walk with this old man."

Sya stood up and walked next to Zion, making sure she was half a step behind Zion. Zion lead the way out of the small city towards the woods.

"You have never had the pleasure to visit the woods have you?" Zion asked as he brought her deeper into the woods.

Sya shook her head no, but truthfully, she spent the last three weeks searching the woods for the cave that was painted on the fan that Captain Corr gave her. To her dismay, she could not find the cave, she traveled around the island several times, searching for the cave, but was unsuccessful.

The rest of the way was silent as Zion lead her deeper and deeper. Sya recognized the road they were walking on. She could feel the 22 maids behind her and several of Zion's Shadow Guards within the darkness of the forest, as they traveled beside them.

Zion lead Sya to a cliff where the drop down off the cliff would mean instant death, if they didn't know how to fly. But to Sya's surprise, Zion waved his hand in an arch and the protective array was lifted. Before Sya's eyes, the image of the cliff changed and before her was the cave she was looking for.

"Come." Zion said as he lead Sya into the mouth of the cave. "There is something I would like to show you."

Sya nodded her head as she followed. The 22 maids also followed them inside as well as she Shadow Guards. Sya could count 12 Shadow Guards that entered the cave while 6 Shadow Guards stood outside as guards.

35. Sya thought as she walked behind Zion. Anther 35 people to kill for her freedom. 35 more dark notches against her soul. Bringing her deeper and deeper on the path of no return.

Zion pulled a lever and suddenly the torches on the wall it up. Lighting their way deeper into the cave. After 30 minutes of walking, the cave opened up into a large cavern. The cavern was filled with a lake of lava. And in the middle of the lava was a pearl the size of a human. It glowed orange and blue as it absorbed qi into it.

"Daughter. I brought you here, because I wanted you to have this one day." Zion said as he opened his arms out to present Sya with the "gift." "I thought you were worthy to be my successor. I was happy. Even if it was a moment. I was happy."

Sya felt a sense of dread at his words. Sya readied herself for a fight as she felt the orange and blue pearl push out it's demonic force out, causing everyone to kneel. Sya laughed at her naivety. She thought she could go up against a entity that has been alive for thousands of years? That have absorbed the deaths of thousands of people. Who gave Zion his powers! How could she be so foolish as to think that she'll win against such a force?

Sya could feel the pull of the controlled force that came from the glowing pearl. It pulled her paralyzed body towards it, bring her above the pearl. The pearl opened up as orange and blue flames engulfed Sya, causing her to scream in pain. The orange and blue flame burned her skin, her blood, her veins, her bones. It consumed her completely before it sucked her into the pearl. Closing Sya inside of it before releasing Zion, his maids and his Shadow Guards.

Zion stood up slowly as he dusted the dirt off his robes.

"It is done. Let us go." Zion ordered.

As they walked back to the entrance of the cave. All hell broke loose as the Shadow Guards that were guarding the entrance ran into the cave. They were heavily wounded as they brought Zion the news.

"Uprising." A Shadow Guard said. "There is an uprising of the Young Masters and Young Misses."

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