Day 2: Games

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What? It's been two years! What is she doing texting me now?

Farron: Hello.
Theo: Farron? What are you doing?! It's been two years!
Theo: Where are you? Are you safe?
Farron is typing...
Farron: I regret to inform you, but I'm not "Farron".
Theo: What the fuck? Farron, stop playing games. This isn't funny.
Farron: I wish I was pretending, friend. I am not. I don't know who you are, or who's phone this is. It was sent to me randomly in the mail.
Theo: Ok?? Then who are you?
Farron: Who are you?
Theo: Jesus fuck this is not helping
Theo: Farron goes missing for two years and when I finally hear from her, it's some freaky rando. Figures.
Farron: If you would kindly calm your shit, I can perhaps help you. You're trying to find Farron, you say? Well, I have her phone. I can help.
Theo: Fine, but I want to know who you are. Send me a picture of you so I know you're not Farron trying to trick me.
Farron: I'd say that's a no. All I want to do is help you, I don't have to give you any of my information.
Theo: Stubborn freak.
Theo: Fine. You win.
Theo: How can you help?
Farron: She left a surplus of clues and hints as to where she may have gone. With some extra help from you, we can find her.
Theo: Ok, and why do YOU want to help? You said you have no idea who she is
Farron: If you want the truth, I'm bored. I have nothing to do. Finding a missing person seems like a good way to spend my Friday.
Theo: You better not be some pervert who kidnapped Farron.
Farron: I can assure you I am not. I'm simply someone who is just as confused as you are. So, who are you?

Damn it... What do I do? This could be my chance to find Farron. I need to take it. I'll comply with their wishes for now but shut them down if they try to take too much control where they have no right.

Theo: My name is Theodore, but I'm most often called Theo by friends and family. I was Farron's lover.
Farron: Good, this helps. What do you know about Farron? Would she have any reason to run?
Theo: Nothing that I'm aware of. She seemed happy most of the time, had a good career, loving family.
Theo: I'm aware her past stepmother abused her at some point
Theo: But that horrible woman was kicked out shortly after.
Farron: Good, good, thank you. So her parents were split?
Theo: Her actual mothers split up when she was a teen, but she has a brother named Truman.
Farron: Oh yes, I saw his contact on the phone but have yet to speak with him.

I don't know what it is about this person, but they're very prestigious. There is no better way to explain it. They aren't rude, or snooty. They just seem like they're better than everyone, but no one's mad at that, because they really are better than everyone.

Theo: You haven't messaged anyone else, have you?
Farron: As of now I have. Just a second ago I sent a message to someone named Xander.
Theo: Oh god
Farron: Is he an ex-lover?
Theo: Barely.
Theo: He was a wannabe lover to Farron.
Farron: Oh, that explains it.

I have no idea what they mean, but I agree. Xander has always been a bit... well, he's kind of "ugh." That's the best way to describe him. "Uhg."

Theo: Yeah.
Theo: What'd he say?
Farron: He's freaking out the way you did.
Theo: Fantastic.

Not even two seconds later, I get a message from the Uhg-Man himself.

Xander: Hey fucker?
Theo: Please don't call me that.
Xander: Whatever lol u lil shit


Xander: Anyway stop playing this stupid prank
Xander: Ur just being an ass
Theo: I'm not playing a prank on you.
Xander: Im done with ur games man
Theo: This isn't is a game. Why are you texting like that? Are you drunk again?
Xander: Non a ur damn business
Theo: If you don't start speaking English I will lose my damn mind.
Xander: Fuck u 2 then
Theo: Sober up before you text her back. We'll explain things later. For now, put the booze away and put your phone down.
Xander: Fine but only cuz I wanna
Theo: Whatever you want to tell yourself.

Theo: Ok, I talked to him. He's drunk right now, so he's not of any use to you. Wait till he's no longer intoxicated.
Farron: Understood.
Theo: So... Are you a detective?
Farron: Far from it.
Theo: Then what are you?
Farron: That's a difficult question to answer.
Farron: I'm a type of investigator, I suppose. You could say I'm like the main character of a detective show. I'm on a quest, but it's more like an adventure.
Theo: There's a difference?
Farron: Certainly, but not one we need to talk about. For now, we need to find clues as to where Farron could be.
Theo: How do we do that?
Farron: I'm not sure, but we should try thinking of it as a game.
Theo: That's a little unfair. You have an advantage.
Farron: Though that's true, don't think of it as a competition. This is a collaboration.
Theo: So...we're a team.
Farron: That's one way to say it.
Theo: And teams trust each other, right?
Farron: I understand where you're going with this. What do you wish for?
Theo: Your name would be appreciated.
Farron: Fine. My name is Minerva.
Theo: Minerva? THAT'S your name?
Farron: What were you expecting?
Theo: I don't know... something more normal.
Farron: Sorry to disappoint.
Theo: It's whatever, let's just get looking. What can you tell me?

While I wait for them to respond, I change their contact name to Minerva. It pains me to rename the contact, knowing I'm not talking to the person I want to, but if it can help me find her, then it's all worth it.

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