Chapter 7- Death Is Part Of Life

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"I was just passing by the room when I heard Ik-Soo said something about hoping Asuka and Rika would accomplish this and also something about this happened a lot of time."Yoon continued,"Asuka, Rika. Tell me. What mission are you trying to accomplish?"

"We...."Rika loss words. "We promised the King to protect Yona-hime. So our mission most likely to be protecting her."Asuka said. "I see.. Then what do he meant by happened a lot of time?" "Yona-hime exposed to danger many times. That's what he meant." 

"Is that so...."Yoon sighed. "What's wrong?"Rika asked. "I just having a bad vibe from the two of you." That made Rika and Asuka's eyes widen. "What do you...mean?"Rika asked. "It's just...It's like I saw the two of you somewhere before...with the princess and that guy. I can picture in my mind that we're traveling with four other strangers...and..."Asuka stopped him from remembering.

"That's enough."Asuka told him. "What.."Yoon was shock by this. "Don't remember it anymore."Her eyes were cold, she was glaring at him. "Hey, Look! Hak's awake!"Rika shouted, trying to break the weird atmosphere around them.

Yoon quickly went over there. Rika then hold Asuka's left shoulder,"Don't show that side of you to anyone." "You don't have to tell me. What happened just now was a mistake." " afraid..?"

Asuka yawned Rika's hand away,"Why should I afraid? Death is a part of life." Rika sighed,"Hey, make sure you spend a lot of time with Zeno this time too. Okay?"Rika smiled. 


[The next morning]

"What the heck are you bringing?"Hak looked annoyed with Yoon carrying a lot of stuff. Hak turned the bag upside down and everything fall out of the bag. "We don't need this!!"Hak threw everything away. "Hak! It's rude to throw other people things away!"Yona scold him. 

"Meh."Hak ignored her.


Yona wanted Hak to teach her swordsmanship. However, he opposed to that idea. Instead, he gave Yona a bow. "The three of you can go ahead first, we'll catch up later."Hak said. "No. We'll go together."Min-Soo insisted. "It will took a while to teach her."Hak sighed. "Don't worry about us. We'll definitely catch you up later!"Yona said in a cheerful voice.

'Well...can't talk back to the highness.' Rika thought.

"Let's go."Asuka gestured Rika and Yoon to follow. Suddenly, fog surrounded all of them. They could hear voices asking them to leave. "What should we do now?"Yoon asked. "Follow me!"Asuka pulled the three of them by the hand. They couldn't fight since they lost their weapon when they fall from the mountain. 

"Stop them! They're getting away!"

Asuka lead them through the fog. Arrows were shooting at them. lastly, they succeed in escaping from death. "We're almost lose our life back there!"Yoon said. "Shh...We're here..."Asuka left a little hole in the bushes for them to see through it.

"This is the Hakuryuu village?!"Min-Soo gasped as he see how beautiful the view was. 

"Have you seen four people came in the village?!"The villager reported to the other guy. "Are you saying there's an intruder?!" "Yes!" "Quick! Protect the Hakuryuu!"

The villagers rushed to where the Hakuryuu was staying when suddenly, two familiar people came to the village. "Wait..Isn't that Hak and Yona?!"Yoon shouted, he forgot to lower his voice.

"There!"The villagers surround Rika, Asuka and Yoon, Min-Soo with their spear. "Stop! There're with me!"A girl like voice stopped them. 

"You heard her. Drop your weapon. This person standing before you is King Hiryuu!"

"King Hiryuu?!"They gossiped with each other. He dropped their weapon and knelt at her. "Wait..You shouldn't-"

"Hey! You dare to intrude-"The white haired man's eyes widen as he saw Yona's red hair as the wind blew the hoodie off. He suddenly fell to the ground, sweating. Yona ran to his side to ask if  he is okay.

After a few moment, the Hakuryuu looked at her,"King Hiryuu." Hak and Yoon stared at them while Asuka and Rika watched the plot went along. "I'm not your King. I'm just a random person who's seeking powers."With that, Yoon and Hak's jaw dropped.

"Even if you said that, you're the rightful King. I know it!"His eyes shone.


They met with the Hakuryuu's grandmother and asked all of them to stay here overnight. At night, the grandma, who also known herself as the villager's chief, went to sit with Asuka and Rika.

'Hm? This is new.' Asuka thought. "Have I seen the two of you somewhere before?"She asked. Rika shook her head,"No, we don't. In fact, this is our first meeting." "I see...Anyway, enjoy the food." "We will."Rika smiled. The grandma then left.

"Did the two of you have a clone or something?"Hak's voice came behind of them. Rika and Asuka turned their head around. "No. Why?"Asuka asked. "Not only the grandma, Yoon also asked similar question."He said. "You heard us...?"

"Yes."He answered. "I have no clue to why they said that they saw us before though."Rika said. Hak began to suspect them but interrupt by Yona who was calling for him. 


[The next morning]

"What is your name?"Yona asked out of the blue. "Excuse me..?"The Hakuryuu confused. "Hakuryuu is your title. I want to call you by your name." "Is that so.."He continued,"It's Kija."

"Kija..That's a nice name!"Yona smiled. "Hey Yoon."Rika called. "What?" "Is it okay if we lead the way?"Rika asked. "Lead the way?"Kija who overheard them asked. "We'll only lead a few kilometers away. And the rest, you'll lead."


After a distances away, Kija began to lead them. Yona was tired out from all the walking so they decided to rest for a while. That's when Kija asked a weird question,"Have we met before?" Asuka and Rika sweat dropped. "Huh? What are you talking about white-snake?"Hak teased. "Hey! What's with that name?!"

"Stop!"Yoon stopped them before it turn out to be a fight. "Kija, what do you mean by that?"Yona asked. "Are you saying that you met us before?"Min-Soo asked.  "I don't know. I have a feeling that we met plenty of time before....."Kija looked at the floor. There are silent between all of them. 

"Hey, we better get moving before dark."Rika broke the awkwardness. By the time they reached there, the moon came out. "We're finally here."Yoon said.


I'm sorry that this story doesn't have much of someone else p.o.v...

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