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Everything I have loved, became everything I lost.



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"My manager is there. Contact her, fix an appointment. Only then you can talk to me," sipping on her drink, Aya dismissed the middle aged man who constantly was trying to woo her for the night. The man chuckled, thinking she was only playing hard to get.

"Ouch, that was rude," he reached out his hand to grab her waist, which caused Aya to jerk back. His infuriating advance resulted in a hard slap on the face.

"Do not. I repeat, do not ever touch me without my permission. I'm not your usual girl of Clover. Don't you fucking underestimate me!" She yelled at end, alarming the guards who rushed to her side, instantly grabbing the man to take him away.

"Ma'am," the woman wearing thick glasses called her. Aya quirked one of her eyebrows at her manager, who was hesitating a bit to talk as she just witnessed her outburst.

"He's asking for you. Immediately."

Aya could only laugh. "Did he say Immediately?"

The woman looked down, unsure of what to reply. Scoffing, Aya pinched the bridge of her nose, for this infuriated her more than the imbecile man. Her eyes fell on the drink that she was having. For a moment, she stared at it. Then without any further thought, her hand took the glass from the isle and smashed it on the floor which caused her manager to flinch. 

"Don't inform him about that guy. I want no unnecessary bloodshed."

The woman nodded, following closely behind as Aya strode toward the lift.

THE DOORS to the lift opened at the 47th floor where no one but only the VVIPs were allowed. There were six suites in total at that floor, the most expensive ones of course. At the very end of the corridor, was the room that Aya was supposed to visit. Swaying her hips, she walked on the empty hall way. Despite the cold straight face; in all honestly she didn't want to see his face on a night like this, when her emotions were switched on and her vulnerability was almost visible.

Her thoughts were silenced as a loud thud on the door of one of the rooms startled her. Aya thought it was weird as this VVIP floor was used for only important business purposes. Occurrences like this were strictly a no-no, unless the dealer demanded such action from the other party. At Clover, who could ever refuse the one with more money?

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