Part 2 Chapter 41

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Today was the big day and Dez had it all planned out.

Ciara woke up to an empty bed but a note attach to a breakfast platter that look mouth watering.

Hey baby,

I know I should of woke you up letting you know that I was leaving but you was sleeping peacefully. Hopefully this breakfast platter make up for it.

Besides that since tonight is our last night I got some planned.

On the back of this note is a lot of things for you to do please follow every direction.

Luv you,

Ciara smile at the ending of the letter.

She ate majority of the food and begin to start the day once she was full.

She looked on the back of the note where there were some direction to follow.

I hope you looked on the back of this note. Be mindful their are seven of them and certain places you'll be going.

It was address on their.

Ciara took a cab to the directions realizing it was spa.

A very upscale one.

" excuse me are you Ciara Stone" the older woman said.

She lead Ciara to an open seat where the sat was very relaxing for her but she wonder how the lady know.

" excuse me miss but how did you figure it was me "

" well some fine young fella came in here making sure that we take good care of you and left a picture of you as well "

Ciara smiled at the thought of Dez and his shenanigans.

" excuse me miss Ciara I don't mean to be noisy but is he your husband treating you like this "

Ciara cheeks turn a rosey red.

" no not yet we actually known each other since high school "

The thought of Dez being called her husband made her stomach filled with butterflies.

" awwwl that is sooo cute " a customer said nearby.

" well hopefully it happens soon for you two" the women said sitting in the seat next to her.

After getting a great massage and feeling relaxed the next stop was the nail salon.


Dez was making sure everything was getting set up.

He was going to propose/ marry her at the Eiffel Tower.

Her dream he remember.

" look at my baby " Dez turn around from the director to see his mother.

" hey mama " he said walking up to her.

" boy I never thought I'll see this day come "  Ms. Diana said.

She was filled with so much emotion.

" I know mama but it's been long time coming "

" where is she ? "

" getting pamper up "

" does she know "

" not one bit "  he said smirking

" oh my God bless that girl heart "

Dez laughed at his mother.

All Mrs. Diana knew was her son planning the wedding in Paris. She didn't know it was going to be a surprise.

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