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Drew wakes up the next morning "Wake up, babe". Alex wakes up in confusion "Hey, What happened last night". "Well, long story short we fucked". They both get up and go to Starbucks. Suddenly drew gets a call from his gf, he doesn't know what to do so he answers.
Gf: hi, where were you last night?!
Drew: I'm going to tell you the honest truth, OK?
Gf: Yes, I prefer that.
Drew: Last night I hooked up with someone, I just sorry.
Gf: Who!?!?
Drew: TBH Alex
Drew hangs up. They go up to the counter to order something. They get their stuff and walk out the door. Alex leans in for a kiss, Drew stops him "No,we can't do that right here". "Why", "The paparazzi, The fans they will find out". "Forget the paparazzi,let's live our life and TBH are fans want this to happen". Alex and Drew go to Alex's house. When they get there they sit on the couch, and cuddle. Alex turns on the TV, you will not believe what they see. They see themselves almost kissing. But they go by what alex said before. Alex says "What are we?". "I guess were a couple," Drew says. They kiss "I love you" says Alex. "I do too, babe".
Sorry for the short chapter, Do you like it so far?

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