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I was reading a book about flower's when a few guards came in, "Princess Isabelle. Your father summons you."

I sigh and put down my book and walk past the guards, towards my father's meeting room. I looked around the giant hallway seeing paintings of my ancestors who ruled before my father. 

 As soon as I was there one of the knights started the meeting. "Sir, there's news from the battlefield. Avonlea has fallen." The knight said looking at my father.

"My gods," Father spoke,

"If only he had come." Gaston, Belle's fiance says,

"Well, he didn't, did he?" My father said glaring at Gaston while walking over to his chair,

"Ogres are not men Gaston, you should even know that," I tell him,

"We have to do something. We have to stop them." Gaston says while looking at my father,

"They are unstoppable." I roll my eyes at Gaston,

Belle walks over to my father and sits down, " He could be on his way right now, Papa."

"It's too late, my girl. It's just too late." My father says to Belle,

A loud bang comes from the doors making me gasp. Everyone but me walks towards the doors while grabbing their swords.

"It's him. It has to be him." Belle spoke,

"How could he get past the walls? Open it." Father orders and two knights lift up the wood than open the door to see nothing there, I look over at my father's chair and see a man with grayish skin sitting in it.

"Well, that was a bit of a letdown." The man who is Rumpelstiltskin says making everyone look at him,

"You sent me a message. Something about, um, 'Help, help! We're dying! Can you save us?' Now, the answer is – yes, I can. Yes, I can protect your little town. For a price." Rumpelstiltskin says while standing up,

"We sent you a promise of gold," Father tells him, making Rumpelstiltskin snort and walk close to my father.

"Ah... No. You see, um... I, uh, make gold. What I want is something a bit more special. My price...is her." He says while pointing to Belle,

"No. Choose another price. Bloody god take the other one but you'll never lay your hands on Belle" Father says,

"Father!" I look at him like he was crazy, what about all the years of loving me and watching me grow into a young woman,

"The young lady has also been engaged to me anyways," Gaston says to Rumpelstiltskin,

"I wasn't asking if she was engaged or for her sister. I'm not looking for 'love' – I'm looking for a caretaker for my rather large estate. It's her, or no deal." Rumpelstiltskin tells them,

"Isabelle  would be perfect for that." My father says, Rumpelstiltskin shook his head no and father told him to leave and never to return. 

"As you wish." He says and walks away slowly. Before he can go out the door Belle calls out to him, "No, wait." then walks up to him.

"I will go with him" She speaks,  I looked at her like she was a saving grace.

"I forbid it," Gaston tells her,

"No.," Father says,

"No one decides my fate but me. I shall go." Belle tells them both,

"It's forever, dearie," Rumple tells her,

"My family, my friends – they will all live?" Belle asks,

"You have my word." He tells her,

"Then, you have mine. I will go with you forever." Belle says,

"Deal" Rumple smiles,

"Belle. Belle, you cannot do this. Belle, please. You can't go with this...beast." Father tries to reason with her,

"Father. Gaston. It's been decided." She tells them both,

"You know – she's right. The deal is struck. Oh! Congratulations on your little war." Rumple says to my father and walks away with Belle.

I glare at my father when he turns around to me, "You were gonna just let him take me instead of Belle!"

"Don't start with me, Isabelle." Father tells me,

"No, you can't tell me what to do right now. You love Belle more than me, you are a terrible person." I yell,

"I never wanted you in the first place Isabelle, your mother didn't want to get rid of you when she found she was pregnant with you." He says,

I look at him with tears threatening to fall. "Good to know. By tomorrow morning I will be gone and you will never hear from me again."

Father looks at me shocked, I glare at him one last time before leaving the room and going to my own. Once I'm in my room I let my tears fall. "Wait Isabelle.!" Father yelled, 

I lay on my bed crying until I couldn't cry anymore.

"He's not worth crying about." I turned around to see a black shadow looking at me.

"I know, but it still hurts to feel unwanted by your parent," I say to the shadow not even shocked at the fact that I'm literally talking to a shadow,

"We both know that you have been feeling unwanted long before this." The shadow tells me,

"I was in denial." I say, finally admitting it to myself, "Why are you here anyways?"

"I'm here to take you away, somewhere you belong." The shadow said,

"I don't belong anywhere," I tell the shadow,

"You belong in Neverland." The shadow whispers,

I stand up and look at him, "Neverland?"

"Yes." The shadow says,

I think about the pros and cons before smiling, "I'll go."

The shadow grabs me and lifts me off the ground. It goes out the window and before I knew it everything went black.

And for a second I thought I would be free.

Little Beauty & The Beast {Peter Pan} (Once Upon A Time)Where stories live. Discover now