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(Continue from the last chapter)

Isabelle's POV

I woke up with a strong arm around my waist. I looked up and saw Peter sleeping, I look down at his arm. I moved a little and his grip got tighter, Felix walked in and awkwardly coughed when he saw the position we were in.

"Pan?" Felix asks,

Peter opened his eyes and saw our position, and jumped up. "Yes Felix?"'

"The plan is in action," Felix said making Peter's eyes go darker,

"Well, I can tell when I am not wanted. See ya later, and Pan." I say making him look at me, "Thanks for showing me the truth."

I grab my sword and walk into the forest.

I walked to the ocean and sighed. So much has happened I hated that everything had to happen to me.

I guessed I was deep in thought to hear the footsteps. I was shoved down and I felt a boot step on my back to hold me down, "Hello darling."

"Why can't I have one normal day. Who are you?" I try to move my arm to grab my sword but the person stepped on my back harder, making me lose my breath.

"The names Hook, Capitan Hook." The man spoke,

"Well Hook, kindly get the hell off of me." I feel all the pressure from his boot gone. I stand up and take a deep breath.

"Where's Pan?" He glares,

"I ain't telling you." I laugh,

"Wrong answer darling." He spits before he slaps me across my face,

I opened my mouth to say something but a voice cuts me off, "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to touch something that isn't yours?"

I felt myself get turned around and pressed against Hooks' chest. Hook then puts his 'hook' to my neck, "You killed my brother, now I'm going to kill something of yours."

"Why can't you go kill one of his books, he loves his books." I choke out and laugh, I feel the hook dig more into my neck.

"I didn't kill your brother, he killed himself by leaving the island," Peter tells him, I watch as more lost boys come out from the forest.

Hook begins to walk back towards his ship, bringing me with him. I look at Peter waiting for him to do something. I glare at him when I see he doesn't do anything. I move and elbow Hook in the side making him grunt and let me go. I grab my sword and swing to cut his leg but he pushes the sword into my chest, making me fall backward on the ground.

Hook grabs my sword and cut the side of my cheek. I kick the bottom of his leg, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground.

I kick his side and stand up grabbing my sword, I walk towards Peter and the lost boys.

I feel my hair get pulled and I let a scream. I use my anger to make my whole body set up in flames. I turn around and glare at Hook, "Never touch me again."

I walk towards Peter and glare at him, "Next time a little help would've been nice."

I feel the flames go out and I walk back to camp. I sit down by a log and lay my head on it.

I close my eyes and rest for a minute. I feel myself get pick up, I open my one at and glared at Peter, "What are you doing?"

"Bring you to my tent so I can treat your cut."

"I'm fine Pan. Now put me on the ground and leave me alone." I hear him sigh before tossing me over to Felix, and I mean he did throw me.

"Hello, my dear friend," I say to him,

He snorts and drops me on the ground. I glare at him and he gives me a cheeky smile. I stand up and punch his shoulder.

"Sword battle?" He asks,

"Winner gets bragging rights for the whole day and loser has to do whatever winner says until the campfire," I smirk, there was no way I was going to lose.

*Time Skip*

I lost. "Best two out of three?' I ask,

"Nope. We made a deal" He says, I nod and jumps on his back.

"Now what would you like for me to do for you kind sir," I say with a very bad British accent,

"Well, for starters never try to do a British accent again." He says,

I laugh and jump off his back. We walk around the camp, we bugged some of the lost boys. Felix and I got in trouble by Pan. It was funny, so we dumped water on him and a few other lost boys while they were hunting.

I ended up walking away and sitting on a log. Since everything happened I didn't want to leave Neverland. It was my home now. The lost boys are my family. Felix is my best friend. And Pan he is something else to me but I can't explain it.

*3rd POV*

Isabelle felt a change in the wind as if someone or something was entering Neverland. "Oh, Isabelle." A voice called out,

The girl turned to see Felix, "You have to do whatever I say."

Rolling her eyes she smiled, "What did you want me to do?"

"Talk to Pan. I know you guys have something special." Felix said. he knew the plan that Peter had made.

"We don't have anything but your wish is my command, and call me Izzy, Isabelle reminds me of my past life," Izzy said walking away from him wondering what she could possibly talk to Peter about.

Then she started to wonder about the sparks and tingles she wanted to ask Peter if he felt them too.

Going to his tent she walked in a saw him very close to a dirty blonde hair girl. Feeling a pit in her stomach Izzy clear her throat making the two jump away from each other.

"Who are you?" The blonde girl asks, "I thought I was the only lost girl."

"I'm Izzy and clearly you aren't since I'm standing right in front of you. Now, who are you?" Izzy ask with a glare on her face,

"Well, I'm Wendy. Wendy Darling."

OOOOOOO I MADE A CLIFFHANGER!!!! Well technically. But ooooo next chapter is gonna be lit asf!!!

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