Chapter 18 - Surprises

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I woke up from the most peaceful sleep of my life feeling nauseous. Gagging a bit as I got up quickly, I rushed to the bathroom and vomited violently into the toilet. Leaning over the bowl, on my knees, I threw up continuously for several minutes. The purged magic filled the bowl before I stopped. Sitting back with a massive headache, I panted for air as I grabbed a towel and wiped my mouth off.

Why does this feel like a hangover? I wondered vaguely as I leaned my head on the bathroom wall. Weakly, I leaned up and flushed the purged magic before leaning back.

I felt so tired as I sat there panting, leaning on the wall. Slowly but surely, my eyes closed as I fell asleep on the floor.


I woke to Palette's concerned face in my own, him shaking me gently. I smiled weakly, "Mornin' Palette," I mumbled. Falling forward he caught me, picking me up and bringing me back to the bed. He laid me down gently before snuggling up and cradling me slightly. I smiled softly, leaning into his chest, and fell asleep yet again.


Waking up on my own, I looked into Palette's face. He was still awake, watching me with worry. Seeing all this worry and care from him still felt odd... it felt like he should be angrier, more demanding, violent. Like he used to be... like the boy I fell in love with... the guy I saw last night...

Last night... My face grew hot at the memory and I looked up at him.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Palette," I lied. I still felt like I had a hangover or something.

He smirked, "Good, because I wanna play some more~"

Growling at his comment, I thrashed out of his grasp and rolled to the other side of the bed. I glared at him, "You say one word about last night and I will end you, Palette Roller."

His smirk grew wider, "But, babe, I wanna play~" he whined. I punched him in the cheek, growling.

"Not. One. Word," I threatened coldly. He backed off, holding his hands in defeat.

"Okay, but you're hot when you take charge~" he purred. I slapped him, still angry. Mostly at myself, though, for being such a giggly bitch last night... Though I quite enjoyed making Palette beg so much...

"Chill," he laughed a bit, touching his cheek lightly, "I'll shut up."

"You better," I said firmly. We sat in silence for a bit, before I felt more nausea and leaned over with a sudden groan.

"Goth?" Palette's voice sounded distant as I gagged again and leaped off the bed. Running back to the bathroom, I heaved into the toilet. Very little came up. I doubted there was much left to come up.

"Goth, are you sure you're okay?" Palette asked, leaning in the doorway.

"I'm fine, Palette!" I snapped at him sharply between heaves.

"That potion said nothing about nausea or vomiting," Palette said absently.

"Did say anything about becoming a sex-demanding giggly bitch?" I asked sarcastically.

"Actually, yeah," he said, still absent. I looked at him, askance.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" I asked angrily.

"I tried to just get you to sleep because you were a bit delusional, but you're so strong and forceful and sexy..."

"You got distracted, didn't you?" I asked him flatly. He shrugged.

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