Chapter 29 - Aftermath

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My eyes fluttered open sleepily, and were drawn naturally to the slight skeleton in my arms. I smiled softly before remembering that the skeleton sleeping in my arms was not my boyfriend. My smiled faded when I remembered exactly what happened last night.

Gods, Goth, I'm so sorry...I thought morosely, looking down at the skeleton I cuddled. He had a soft smile on his face as he slept, muttering softly. He looked so peaceful and content, the most relaxed I've seen him since he arrived. Well, at least someone's happy.

My heart darkened slightly. I had cheated on my boyfriend... with his counterpart. Even though I promised not to hurt him, and always be by his side, I failed him. I got him lost, frightened, replaced, and now I'm an adulterer.

I perked suddenly, adulterer? But that's only if we're... I sighed heavily. Well, I love him that much. We basically are that close.

The skeleton known as Ghost stirred, blinking up at me. He yawned widely, "Something wrong, Palette?" he asked tiredly.

"It's nothing, Ghost," I said, pushing my worries aside.

He pouted at me, not buying it, "Palette, you're lying."

"It really is nothing, Ghost," I said, "Did you sleep well?"

He sat up, glaring at me slightly, "Palette, what's wrong?"

I wanted to protest, but his white eye light glittered dangerously and the words died in my mouth. I sighed, looking down, "I feel like I've cheated on Goth."

Ghost rolled his eyes, "There you go again, being a softie! Don't feel this bad, Palette. It was my fault anyway. I just know how to get you where I want you."

"You took advantage of me?" I asked, confused.

"Sadly, yes. Last night was like having sex with Rurik for the first time again," a smile flickered on his face, "You don't know all my soft spots like he does. It was nice."

"Well, now I feel dirty, used, and like a cheater, thanks for making me feel sooo much better," I rolled my eyes.

"Thank the gods you can be sarcastic," Ghost said, sounding relieved, "I was worried that part of you died or something."

"Are you being serious?" I was a little angry.

"Yes, I am!" Ghost said roughly, "I'm sorry for making you do me last night but I needed it, Palette! I miss Rurik so much...seeing you angry, it brought me into heat with how much I miss his touch...I needed him, I needed you, I just needed help," he looked to be on the verge of tears, "So I'm sorry, okay? Don't you think I feel a bit bad about essentially cheating on Rurik? Don't you realize how afraid I am of the consequences?"


"Yes, the consequences," a small tear fell from his eye socket as he leaned back and hugged himself, bringing up his knees, "Rurik has claimed me as his own. I've belonged to him for almost five years. To come here and see you, another version of him, pining after someone else, it stung a bit. Then to see you so furious and fearful about hurting him, hurting brought back every memory I have of Rurik protecting me, proving to me he loved me, making me his."

"If he finds out I did this...I don't know what he'll do to me..."


I woke up to Rurik's absence. I felt mildly annoyed that he wasn't next to me, then berated myself for being annoyed. Sighing, I tried to push myself up only to find my hand tied to the bedpost. Again. Yay. Also, I felt too sore to move around much, so even though I only had one arm tied, I could barely do anything to untie it.

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