Chapter 1: Death

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The night sky was cloudy as rain fell from the sky. It sounded like rocks were hitting the roof of the building. The sound of on-ground cars speeding through the puddles could be heard from miles away, it was a quiet night. Two teens sat inside a condo, sitting on a couch looking out the huge window, a view of the night city skyline. "So you wanna know about my past 'friends'? I guess I'll tell you.." The dark haired male sighed and began telling a story about his past. "Well it was 5 years ago..I had a group of friends...I was close with these people...really close.  Their names were Akane, Yuno, Yuuki, Yuna, and Kazuto. We were all a bunch of goofs, you could say. They were great people, or so I thought..I loved hanging with them, they made me feel wanted. They were unaware of what I've done before I met them. I wanted to keep it that way. But not everything goes as plan. I found that out the hard way. Anyway..Let a flashback commence.." The male closed his eyes and his head fell back on the couch, he began telling the actual story now. "Hey Akane! Mind coming with me to the shopping Market?" Tatsumi smiled and rubbed the back of his head. With a bright smile, Akane looked at the boy and walked towards him happily. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" She said with a cheerful voice, like always. "Well, we'll be back." Tatsumi shouted to the others. The two walked to the shopping market that was not to far away from where they lived. They walked in, Akane's arm wrapped around Tatsumi's. Tatsumi grabbed a shopping cart and began walking to the meats section of the store. "So...we need some steak, and some pork." He said to the girl and looked through the meats. "Right..I'll get the pork, and you get the steak!" She smiled and ran over to where she knew the pork was. Tatsumi grabbed a few things of steak and placed it in the cart and walked over to Akane with the cart. "Here, put it in." He said to her as she placed the pork in the cart, then ran around the cart, over to Tatsumi's side and wrapped her arm around Tatsumi's again.  "Now..we could use some fruit." He pushed the cart over to the fruits and vegetables isle.  As they walked through the isle, they put the fruits they wanted into the cart. After they finished shopping, they walked home together. They arrived home after a few minutes, walking in the house they took the bags into the kitchen and put everything where they belonged. The sun gad just set as the group of friends were all gathered in the living room, ready to watch a scary movie. The news was on the TV. The news lady was reporting a witness's drawing of a murderer. He wore a half face mask. He had black hair with red eyes, and a red eye patch. The drawn person looked like Tatsumi, there was a huge resemblance. The group looked at Tatsumi with a shocked expression on each one of their faces, Tatsumi had a nervous look in his eyes. Now Tatsumi did not have a face mask nor an eye patch on, but he always had hair covering one his eyes. Yuuki walked over to Tatsumi and removed the hair from his eye. After doing so, an angry expression grew onto Yuuki's face. "Dude, are you that damn murderer?!" He shouted at Tatsumi. The others were also angry. They felt guilt for harboring a murderer. They all surrounded him, pinning him down as Yuna pulled out her phone and called the police. "Hello? Police?! W-we found that murderer!" She screamed while tears fell down her face. Akane was still on the couch crying her eyes out, she didn't know how to react. She felt nothing but hatred, sadness, and betrayed. Kazuto punched Tatsumi in the face as he had him pinned onto the floor. Blood dripped from Tatsumi's nose as the other male, Yuuki punch him. "You piece of shit!" Kazuto shouted as he continued punching Tatsumi. Yuno sat next to Akane trying to comfort her. Yuna  hung up the phone after calling the police and watched the two males beat up the third.  After enduring the pain from their punches, Tatsumi became fed up with it and pushed them off of him. A short katana appeared from thin air in Tatsumi's hands. A completely scared expression grew onto everyone's face as they saw the sword. Tatsumi slowly walked towards Kazuto and Yuuki laying on the floor and pierced Kazuto's heart with the sword. After doing so, he put his foot on Kazuto's chest and kicked him back. Blood flew everywhere as Kazuto's lifeless body fell onto the floor. The girls began screaming and crying. Yuuki was scared and more angry after watching his best friend die. He got up off the floor quickly and charged at Tatsumi. Tatsumi acted quickly and swung his sword. Yuuki suddenly stopped moving, his head then fell onto the floor after being sliced off by Tatsumi. Blood squirted out of Yuuki's neck where his head used to be, Yuuki's body then collapsed. The three girls were scared to death as Tatsumi turned towards them. "What?! Are you going to kill us too now?!" Yuno shouted as tears fell down her face. Tatsumi ended Yuno and Yuna quickly, leaving Akane the last one alive. He stood above Akane, as his hair fell over one of his eyes again. A tear fell from his visible eye. "I'm sorry.....I didn't want it to end like this.." He said to Akane. "Y-you...betrayed killed those people..why..?" Akane said while crying her eyes out. Tatsumi stayed quiet as he leaned down and slit Akane's throat. Blood shot out of her throat and landed all over Tatsumi's face and hair. There was blood all over the living room. On the walls, the ceiling, the floor, and the furniture. Tatsumi quickly fled the scene and was never heard or seen again. Back to the present. The dark haired boy opened his eyes again and sighed. "After that I began avoiding people, and making friends. I only talked to my victims when killing them, and to the people I have a contract with. I'm an assassin after all, and that's how I make my money..Though I'm the most wanted man in all Japan." The white haired girl looked at the boy with an interested expression on her face. "Really?! That's so cool! Tatsumiiiii you're so cool." She said in a fangirly voice. "Yeah...I guess." Tatsumi said with an emotionless voice and expression in his eyes. To be continued in chapter 2....

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