Chapter 2: Present.

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As the rain fell harder from the sky, puddles splashed as Tatsumi ran through them. Tatsumi went from roof top to roof top making his way to his given target. "Tatsumi, tell me about this target. Who is he, and what does he do for a living?" Strea asked Tatsumi through an ear piece. "He's some kind of rich merchant. I was told he's a piece of shit who takes advantage of women, and his money. He's always heavily guarded that'll be a problem. Nah I'm kidding, I have you to give me a strategy." Tatsumi explained who the target was, as he arrived at the current location of the target. He looked down off the roof top and spotted the merchant. The merchant was in fact heavily guarded like the client told Tatsumi. "That's him...the fat dude in the middle of all those guards.." Tatsumi showed Strea through a device around his eye. "Ew...he's disgusting looking. Anyway, with the device on your arm I gave you, you'll be able to take out the guards with ease. However, you can only target three at a time and there is a 10 minute cool down, so choose wisely." She told Tatsumi everything he needed to know about the device she recently gave him. "Right..I'll take out the three big ones.." Tatsumi pointed his arm down at the guards and use the device to lock onto the three big guards. He then shot mini explosives that went straight into their heads and exploded. Blood splattered everywhere as the merchant got scared and hid behind the rest of his guards. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He screamed. Tatsumi jumped from the roof tops and landed on the ground. He looked up at the guards as his visible red eye was glowing bright red like a demon. Tatsumi's sword appeared out of thin air once again as he walked towards the guards slowly. The guards began shooting at him as he walked towards them. It seemed as there was a shield around Tatsumi as every bullet missed him. He arrived in front of the guards as he quickly swung his sword, cutting each of the guards in the front rows throats. To Tatsumi's surprise, two big guards with Mini guns busted down the door to a building next to Tatsumi, the setting took place in an alley way. Tatsumi looked around him, then quickly killed the rest of the normal guards. The two big guards with mini guns began shooting at him, Tatsumi swiftly dodged the bullets as he jumped from wall to wall slowly making his way towards the two. The two guards aim became more accurate, the bullets were getting closer and closer to Tatsumi. He used his Katana to deflect the bullets as he then dashed towards them and quickly killed them both. After killing all the guards, Tatsumi had the merchant cornered with nowhere to run. The merchant fell onto the floor scared for his life as Tatsumi stood above him pointing the katana at his neck. "Please! Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything, I'll give you money, anything you want! Just pleas don't kill me!" The merchant cried out for his life. Tatsumi didn't say a word as he swung the katana fast, cutting the merchants throat. "Pieces of shit like you don't deserve to live..." Tatsumi said under his breath. The katana disappeared and Tatsumi was ready to leave as he then heard loud cop sirens in the distance approaching the alley way. Tatsumi quickly jumped back the roof tops and fled the scene as the rain poured harder. An hour later Tatsumi approached his client for the reward. "He's dead.." He said the man standing in the shadows. "So I heard on the was a mass murder, you killed 40 guards, huh? Good earned all of this money." The client handed Tatsumi a huge pouch of golden coins, then disappeared. "Good job Tatsu. Come on home now please!" Strea said through the mic. Another hour later, Tatsumi arrived home. "Man..I'm beat. Strea..mind making some ramen?" Tatsumi said as he walked in the condo room. He took his assassin gear off and dropped it on the floor next to the closet. "I'm way ahead of you." Strea said from the kitchen in a happy tone. Tatsumi sighed and laid on the couch. "I'm so tired...and eh..I'm wet from all the rain." He said laying the couch.  "It's ready!" Strea walked over to him holding two bowls of ramen, one for him and one for her. She handed Tatsumi his bowl and he quickly began eating. "Your ramen is great Strea..." He said with a mouth full of ramen. "Good..I'll keep doing what you love..I'll take care of you for the rest of your life.." Strea mumbled to her self as she began eating. After finishing the ramen, the two fell asleep on the couch. The next morning Tatsumi slowly woke up, rubbing his eyes. He then look down as his chest felt heavy and he was warmer then usual. Strea was snuggled up on him, still sound asleep. Tatsumi blushed lightly and rubbed her head gently, not trying to wake her. He laid there with her for a good 20 minutes before waking her up. He shook her gently to wake her. "Hey..Strea, it's time to wake up.." He said with a soft and gentle tone of voice. Strea woke up slowly with bed head, and some drool on her mouth. She had one eye opened and rubbed the other with her left hand. "Huh..? Morning Already...?" She said, still kind of half asleep. " is." He looked at her. Strea was finally fully awake as she noticed the situation of where she was laying. "Did we...?" She asked him with a confused look on her face. "Of course we didn't.." Tatsumi blushed slightly again. Strea sighed and sat up to allow Tatsumi to get up. Tatsumi got up and walked over to the closet, he opened and and then opened a safe inside of it. He placed the puch of coins he received as an award for his successful mission last night. "We sure are rich.." Tatsumi said as he yawned and then shut the safe. "What are we gonna do today Tatsu?!" Strea said and jumped up out of bed, wearing nothing but a white button up shirt you use for a suit and panties. "I'm not know I can't really go out during the day.." Tatsumi said with a sigh. "C'mon..please just for today...! We can just go up to the mountains and have a picnic.." Strea begged him. "I'm sorry, but you know we can't take that type of risk Strea." He grabbed a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom. "Tatsuuuuuuuuu waitttttttttttt!" She ran over to him and hugged his back. "I wanna shower with youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" She said in a childish way. "What? No." Tatsumi moved her arms off of him and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Strea pouted and dropped to the floor. "Tatsuuuuuuuuuuuu." She cried out. "Make breakfast or something.." Tatsumi said from the other side of the door. He walked over to the shower and turned the knobs making the water turn on. He made the water the perfect temperature before getting undressed and into the shower. He grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squeezed some into his hair, then began to rub it in on his head. After rubbing the shampoo in and letting it sit for a minute he put his head under the shower head and washed the shampoo out of his hair. A few minutes after washing his hair and body, Tatsumi turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. He dried himself off with the towel and got dressed. Tatsumi walked out of the bathroom, wearing all black clothes like usual he walked to the kitchen and looked at Strea as she hummed and cooked some eggs and some meat. "It smells great." Tatsumi said as he sniffed the air. Strea looked back at Tatsumi and smiled brightly. "Thanks, it's almost done." She said happily. "Also...eeeeek, you're so cool looking Tatsuuuuuuuuuuu." She fangirled. Tatsumi stayed quiet as he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. The News station was on, they were reporting about another mass murder done by the "Dark Knight". Tatsumi sighed and listened to what they reported.  Police drones flew past the window of the condo quickly. "Where are they going in such a hurry?" Tatsumi asked himself and looked out the window. To Be Continued In Chapter 3....

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