Getting To Know You

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You smile and stare at your phone. You have no idea how to reply.

"Sabo, what do I do?" You look up to the blonde.

"You started this. You have to say something!" How about just saying Hi back.

"Okay" You nod and start typing.

(Y/n) - Hi freckles

Your heart was beating so hard in your chest when you hit send. You felt like you were gonna throw up you were so nervous.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Sabo asked watching your face, as it turned red.

You let out a deep breath you had been holding in, as you slide your phone into your back pocket.

"I think my heart might stop"

Sabo laughs at you, making you laugh as well.

"What are you still doing here (y/n)?"

"Umm, I sorta told Law that I had stay late to work on a project."

"We don't have any projects due!"

You blush and look down. "I know... I wanted to see Ace when he found the note. You know since it had my number on it."

Sabo laughs as you get more embarrassed.

"So is Law coming to get you?"

"Ya, he left the hospital just to come pick me up."

You link arms with Sabo and start heading to where Law normally picks you up.

"Why are you still here Sabo?"

"I had to wait on Ace! My car is in the shop!"

You stop in your tracks when you hear your phone chime.

Your reach around and with a trembling hand you pull your phone from your pocket. You press the button on the side of the phone, lighting up the screen.

You sigh "It's just from Law!"

Law - I'm here

(Y/n) - I'm on my way out!

As soon as you hit send your phone chimes again.

"Oh my god, Sabo it's from Ace!"

You stare at you phone in disbelief.

"Are you gonna open it?"

"Huh? Oh... ya." You blush

You take a deep breath and click on the message to open it.

Ace - I'm glad you finally gave me your number so I can talk to you.

(Y/n) - *giggles*

"Why can't you be that cute and flirty in person?"

You shove your phone back in your pocket and sigh.

"Because I get to nervous when he's around, but through the phone I can be myself more. It's like all the pressure is off!"

When you exit the building you see Law leaning against his car, glaring a hole through Sabo.

"I'll see you on Monday (y/n)!" Sabo hugs you and takes off in the direction of where Ace is waiting.

"Whats wrong with you?"

You finally ask when you get closer to Law.

"Boys hanging around my sister!"

You giggle as Law opens the door for you.

Burning Desire {Portgas D Ace X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now