Fixing Voltron Season 4

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Season 4 of Voltron had...quite a few problems, many of which ended up taking away from it for me. Instead of just complaining like 85% of Tumblr, however, I've decided to rewrite it into being better, to validate my critiques and prove that it had fixable problems. I'll be sticking to a lot of the original concepts, such as the general storyline for each episode, and of course there'll only be 6 episodes/chapters with each one taking into account the 23 minute run time; however, the idea is to fix a lot of the issues that made Voltron's fourth season so lackluster to me. Below is a list of some of those issues that I'll be looking to fix:

- Character Development

Identifying the issue: Character development is the number one thing that this season failed at

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Identifying the issue: Character development is the number one thing that this season failed at. They tried moving Keith out of the way to give the other characters room to have screen time, and yet still failed to give any of them meaningful development and failed to explore any of their character arcs. I really don't know what else to say; there's not any problems to analyze because there's nothing to analyze. There was just...nothing. The main reason for this is because the show in general follows a writing style that is more plot-centric rather than character-centric, and this season in particular really suffers from that. I won't go into it much here, but I'll eventually critique Voltron's general writing style on my blog.

My solution: Obviously, my solution is to explore the arcs of these characters while keeping the plot going, because believe it or not, it is possible to do this. It doesn't take a lot to show a step in a character's personal arc. All it takes is one scene or one line of dialogue to show a lot about a character. In this rewrite of season 4, I will explore Lance's character more, dive into Coran and Allura's characters and their development, and I will actually give Hunk a character arc, since the show has yet to even introduce one for him, and I'll do it all while taking their amount of screen time, that being 23 minutes per episode, into account.

- Plot

Identifying the issue: I already mentioned how how this season didn't deliver on the character focus, so that means it must've been plot focused, right? Well

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Identifying the issue: I already mentioned how how this season didn't deliver on the character focus, so that means it must've been plot focused, right? Well...not...really... The season ends up advancing the plot by quite a bit because they take back one-third of the universe and have a bunch of rebels with them in the fight against the Galra, but the season doesn't build up to it. We're just suddenly and randomly introduced to this plan to take back one-third of the universe in the final two episodes.

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