Episode 2: Reunion

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Here it is; "Reunion", AKA "Pidge Alone", AKA, "does Matt survive or not?" Well...guess there's only one way to figure that out...


"Photons from the visible spectrum are manipulated, creating a quantum storage network. It's the most advanced storage system available."

That was all Pidge needed to hear before she turned in her seat with an enthusiastic grin. "Actually, the Galaxy Garrison is performing tests using DNA helixes as storage. That's the same way genetic information is stored in our bodies!"

She eagerly waited for a response from her teacher, only for one of her many classmates who were staring to scoff with an unimpressed, "nerd".

The rest of the class fell into chattery laughter as the teacher sighed, having seen this scene one too many times.

Pidge had seen it one too many times, too. She averted her gaze, shrinking into herself and fighting against the tears that threatened to spill over while her teeth clenched, the constant laughter from reminding her why she hated her school so much.


The first thing she did upon returning to her room was toss her school books against the wall with a frustrated yell, steam coming off of her as she collapsed in her desk chair and clutched her head with enough force to tear at her hair. They didn't understand her, her teacher didn't even understand her.

Nobody understood her.

"Hey Pidge?"

She hadn't even hear the door open, but she didn't need to look to know who it was. She should've expected him.

"...I hate it when you call me that," she snapped.

"Sorry, 'Katie'." Matt shut the door behind him and walked a slice of strawberry shortcake over to her. "Mom told me what happened today." He leaned against her desk with a sigh. "I know what it's like to be the nerd, but you've got to keep studying hard."

"What's the point?" She exasperated, kneading her feet together beneath the desk.

Matt looked at the ceiling casually. "Well, it was my brain that got me into the Galaxy Garrison."

Her eyes immediately flashed open at Matt, and just like magic, all of her frustration was suddenly forgotten in place of excitement. She became a bouncing ball of energy, gasping and jumping out of her chair with a wide smile to wrap her arms around her brother's neck.

"You got in?! Yes!" She could hardly believe it—they'd been waiting for his results for so long!

"I guess it was my brains. Could've been my good looks or my big muscles."

She giggled, pointedly ignoring that last part before hopping back to beam at him. "That's amazing! Oh man, I'm so excited, I—!" She cut herself off with a gasp, as if an epiphany had just struck her. Then, she grabbed a book off the floor and settled down at her desk to open it as Matt watched on with a raised eyebrow.

"What're you doing?"

"Studying!" She exclaimed, as if it were obvious. "So I can get into the Garrison with you and dad!"

Matt couldn't stop a small smile from spreading across his face as he watched inspiration spark his little sister into action. He knew how she could be when she was determined—nothing would stop her.

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