Episode 1: Code of Honor

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Out of all the episode rewrites, this one is probably the most similar to how it was in the actual show.


The far reaches of the Paglium Quadrant was covered in ocean that almost seemed to touch the dark blue sky above, reflecting the dusk night and thin clouds to create a mirage of fog dusting across the surface of the water. The most activity that could be seen was the gentle rolling of waves, splashing against a lone Galra alert beacon that floated along with the tide. The tip of the beacon flashed a few times, transitioning between its normal purple color to yellow, but other than that, nothing was amiss.

This quickly changed as the roaring of an engine shook the entire surface of the water, illuminating the ocean in purple as a single Galra cruiser exited hyperdrive right above the beacon, and just like that, any sense of serenity the quadrant once seemed to have was immediately forfeited.

"This is Galra cruiser beta-nine. We are within range and requesting permission to dock."

The Galra commander was answered by a deeper voice from over his communications screen. A simple, "proceed" was all he needed before the cruiser began sinking into the water, disturbing the waves even more than before as the alert beacon continued sounding—for good reason.

Water rushed up around the sides of the cruiser as it descended into the shadowy depths, quickly revealing the secret behind this corner of the quadrant—a hidden underwater Galra base.

"A priority-one shipment is en route. Activate the docking station immediately." A loud voice boomed over the intercom of the base, immediately sending the group of armored common soldiers that occupied the base scurrying to their stations.

"I can't believe we're stuck here. This base predates the Zaipirium Siege." One soldier grunted, pulling down a lever to open the docking station for the incoming cruiser. "It's amazing this equipment still remains operational."

"We're lucky to have it since the rebels overran the Sigma-3 Quadrant; it's all we have left in this system." Another soldier pointed out.

Their conversation was cut short as they continued working with the primitive Galra tech, rotating a nearby wheel to allow the massive Galra cruiser up into the base through the water. Little did they know, the entire ordeal was being observed in close detail.

Three masked figures sat crouched together high above the docking area, uniforms clearly representative of the Blade of Marmora. The binocular-esque vision enhancements to the masks allowed them to take in every action taking place below, including the apparent transferring of large vials between the base and the cruiser.

"We destroyed the Komar. How are the Galra still producing such vast amounts of quintessence?" The middle Galra wondered out loud; one could imagine his eyes narrowing through his voice alone as he turned to his left. "Find out where it's coming from and where it's going."

The two on either side of him turned to carry out the mission, but before the Galra on the right could move much, the leader stopped him. "Remember, this is purely intelligence gathering. Do not engage."

The cautioned Galra nodded before darting off.

The first Blade who had gotten a head start was sliding down a tall orifice that seemed to be bottomless, stopping in front of a control panel and slicing through it by wielding the standard luxite knife with their tail. They then proceeded to input the information hard drive, tapping through the screen that popped up with their tail.

Luck was on their side; the Galra in charge of watching the base's intel database was snoozing on the job. There was no telling how frequent of an occurrence this was, but today was probably the single worst day to doze off on as the information quickly finished downloading—one half of the mission was a success.

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