My heads under water

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The first thing Clark realises is that he is in shock.

The water is freezing, but he's hearing the most beautiful voice singing to him. The singer was beckoning him closer with a melody of the sea, covering him in a warm embrace with their lyrics. He finds himself struggling against the water to get closer to the angelic voice, and he's kicking to no avail- because waves keep pushing him back, and he hears a distinctive crack and groaning begins as the catamaran starts to crack in half. He keeps swimming, getting quite tired, and his eyes are burning from the salt in the water. He can barely breathe, but he's too focused on finding the angel whose tune is keeping his head above water.

"Come to me Clark. You don't want to disappoint me do you? You are doing so well."

The voice is melodic and enticing and he continues to swim towards it, away from the boat. He gets far enough from the boat before it sinks, and he watches in a daze, as flotsam and jetsam swirl around as the last remnants of his father's boat. His entrancement is momentarily broken. That ship was the last thing he'd owned of his father's. His father; the man who he'd adored-whose memory would forever haunt him now, ensuring he'd never get another peaceful night of sleep again. He feels a pair of strong arms wrap around him, dragging him away from the scene of the wreckage and he starts to kick and wail like a child.

"No! Let me go, let me drown with it! I failed him!"

His voice is cracked and broken from in taking cold salt water, but he doesn't care. He continues to scream and kick and cry hysterically, and in that moment, he doesn't want to be saved. He wants to join his father in a watery grave because he'd failed him. He hadn't taken the boat everywhere. He hadn't given his father his best. He deserved to drown.

"Please," he whimpers, hoping to get his rescuers sympathy, "Just let me drown."

"Clark, look at me." He manages to lift his head and sees Bruce looking back at him with concerned eyes. The rain is still pouring torrential, and they might be out of the crash zone for the waves, but the noise is like a lion in the background, but none of that is what Clark is focused on.

"You came back for me?" His voice sounds like someone ran him through with sandpaper, but he ignores it.

"It's only fair that I save your life after you saved mine, Kent. Now wrap your arms around my neck. I'm going to get you to shelter."

Clark's throat is killing him, and he has dried tears on his face, but he nods twice, and allows Bruce to put him into a live saver from the catamaran wreckage. They are suddenly moving very fast, and it's a tough battle between nausea and consciousness, but the sailor fights on, and watches as Bruce's obsidian tail glides with powerful strokes, almost as long as his body. He starts to drift off a bit, and closes his eyes, wanting to forget everything. -

Bruce realises that halfway there Clark has fallen asleep, but there seems to be no real danger, so he continues speeding towards the nearest zone free from the storm, and of course that has to be Bludhaven caverns. He enters the complex chain of caves, and literally has to shake the sailor to get him awake.

"Kent! Get up."

Clark looks like a mess, with bits of sea weed in his hair, bloodied hands, a torn shirt and what looks like a leech attached to his shoulder. If the word dishevelled had a grimy older cousin, this look was definitely it.

"Just get on the damn floor before you get pneumonia from being in the water."

Clark complies; flopping onto the hard rocky surface and feeling himself on the brink of falling back to sleep.

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