Celebrity Sightings

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Ello :) I'm Julia and I'm relatively new to Wattpad and I just really wanted to write a 1D fanfic... So I did. Feel free to tell me what you think! I welcome criticism with open arms. Thanks for checking this out .xx

And I dedicated this to 1DOnlyYou because SCL was the first story I ever read on Wattpad 

Let us begin!


Jessicas POV

“Wait, is Rodeo Drive this way,” I pointed to my right. “Or that way?” I pointed to my left.

“I have absolutely no clue.” Kate huffed, looking like she was about ready to punch the map in front of her.

“Hmm… maybe we should just head that way, and hope we come across it,” I suggested, tired of just standing here in the middle of the sidewalk.

“But what if it’s not that way?” Kate questioned. “Then we’ll have walked all that way for no reason.”

“Not for no reason,” I pulled my Ray bans back down over my eyes. “We’re on an adventure! Who cares if we get lost?!”

“Our seven o’clock reservation at Bastide does.”

“We’ll get there,” I rolled my eyes. “Stop worrying so much.”

“Look,” She held up her hands. “All I’m saying is, we can’t miss that reservation, and we don’t even know how to get there, so maybe we should just end this shopping trip and focus on finding Bastide.”

I knew she was right, we really couldn’t miss that reservation, but we had barely bought anything all day and I really wanted to check out Rodeo drive. I mean, not that I could afford anything, but window-shopping would’ve sufficed.

“Fine,” I sighed, admitting defeat. “Let’s go.”

“Don’t worry, we can come back some other time,” Kate looked back down at the map in her hands. “Now, where oh where is West Hollywood?”

“West?” I guessed.

“Haha you’re very funny,” She rolled her eyes but still chuckled. “The restaurant is in Melrose Place.”

“I love that show!” I squealed. All those shows were my guilty pleasure. Melrose Place, the OC, 90210, Gossip Girl… the list goes on.

“Not the show, the place. Do you know where it is?” She asked.

“Nope,” I shook my head. “But I bet my iPhone does.” I reached into my bag to grab my phone.

Kate looked up. “Oh, duh. Why didn’t we just use that before? I feel dumb.” She wadded up the map and tossed in a trashcan a couple of yards away. “Lets ask Siri.”

I unlocked my phone and held the button. Once the speaker came up, I asked, “Siri, can you get me directions to Bastide Restaurant in Melrose Place, Los Angeles?”

After a few seconds, she answered. “Bastide Restaurant is located not too far from here, here are the directions.” A map of LA was displayed on the screen, little dots explaining where Kate and I were, and where Bastide was.

“Cool. I really need to get an iPhone,” Kate held her hand out and I dropped the phone in her palm.

“It says it not to far, so I think we should go back to the hotel and change into something more appropriate,” I said, fingering the hem of my simple t-shirt. I doubted a place like Bastide would appreciate people trying to dine their looking like regular tourists.

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