kiss me - marianxluke [notfamous!luke]

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Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

The door creaked open, soft steps padding the room. Marian looked for him, searching for his eyes. The dark room causing the task harder to do so. 

Your heart's against my chest

Lips pressed to my neck

I've fallen for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

The darkness continued to be a hindrance for their eyes to meet. But he knows where to go. He's done this too many times to not memorize every step he took.

She sat up, knowing their own little routine. Him sneaking to her room. Being extra careful with every step he took. Her eyes will scan for his. Then they'd share a long embrace when their bodies have finally collided. Engulfing each other with the warmest and tightest hug they can give. Each embrace felt more welcoming than yesterday's.

But something was missing. Luke didnt go with their usual routine. Usually, he'd say hi, or ask a silly question. He didnt have that smile on his face, either. His head is now rested on her chest. His breathing sailing over hers. More rapid and ragged, almost out of breath.

"Is something wrong?" Marian lifted Luke's chin, wanting the view of his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes were shining, but happiness isnt the one causing this certain spark in his eyes. Tears were brimming the crook of his eyes, a frown etched on his pierced lips. 

She placed a kissed on his nose, trying to calm him down. But Luke was still tensed and his breathing were still uneven. She traveled her lips to his cheek. Moving to his jaw.  And now his neck. The last kiss seemed to calm him down. He looked up at her, his eyes displaying pain.

"I dont want this anymore. Im tired of this!" his voice was angry, but it came out as a whisper. Either his lack of breathe or the situation we're in was causing this.

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

"I dont know why theyre not letting me to be with you." Luke whimpered in between shaky breaths. "Im in love with you. Cant they see that? Im happy with you." 

Luke let those words slip from his mouth. Thats what he wanted. 

"I want to be with you."

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

"Run away with me." 

"Run away?"  She echoed Luke's words. Trying to guess what's going on inside Luke's mind. Is this boy crazy? She thought to herself. 

"We can run away. Away from everyone." Luke held her hands, and looked at her, peering through her soul. The moon obliged to Luke's wishes, shining on their faces. "We can start a new life. You, me. You'll be my lady. I'll protect you."

"I-i Luke." Marian whimpered, and contemplated with the pros and cons. 

Luke kept his eyes on her. Trying to read her face as she thought through everything. His fingers were crossed, his stomach was twisting. Sweat stareted to form above his brow line, crumpling his lips between his teeth.

"Okay. I'll runaway with you." a smile carved on Luke's face. Marian taking his hand.

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

"Come here, Marian." the wind was cold, but they took it as a blessing. Luke held Marian in his arms, kissing her forhead when the chance was there.

For days, Luke and Marian lived in Luke's rusty pick-up truck. Their savings were just as enough for gas and food. They have travelled far and wide, now theyre on their route to God knows where. But the only thing they cared about is, theyre free.

Yeah I've been feeling everything

From hate to love

From love to lust

From lust to truth

I guess that's how I know you

So I hold you close to help you give it up

 Their hearts ached for freedom. And thats what they got. They started a new life, with new people. They were happy now. Settled together, with a stable job, and a sturdy house.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Luke spun Marian across the room, she laughed as she lost her control. Luke caught her by the waist and hoisted her in his shoulders. Luke carried Marian to their love seat, putting her on his lap. With him,  Marian thought. Is the safest place i can be.

"Kiss me."  she said with a smile. Luke leaned forward and caught her chin is his hands, he tilted her head and leaned in. Their lips crashed together, fitting in like lost puzzle pieces.

NOTE 4/23/15


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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