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"And where in the hells have you been?" Is the first thing Kaiden said to me when I reported in for training the next day. Obviously, he's been worried - I can tell by the little creases in between his eyebrows and his forced, knotted smile. I don't blame him; because even I would be worried if an Official Messenger randomly informed me that Kaiden had to leave sue to a summoning from the Superiors.

"Nowhere important," I waved him off, flinging my hand in a dismissive fashion. Kaiden opened his mouth, enraged. I spoke before he could argue back. "I'll tell you about it later, Kai. I promise."

He huffed, crossing his arms in disagreement. "Why not now? I'm listening."

My eyebrows rose, and I stifled a laugh. "Why do you think?" I asked blandly. Kaiden didn't reply, but only mocked my expression, most likely thinking that he was bloody hilarious. I sighed through my nose, trying to prevent a smile from escaping my lips. "Look, I promised that I'd tell you, Kai, when we're alone. I don't want anybody listening in."

Kai then shoved his hands into the deep pockets of his black, training uniform. Shaking his head, he ran a through his hair and dark waves tumbled back to his forehead like they always did. His eyes softened.

"Okay, Lena. Tell me whenever you want, I'll be there. Always." A lopsided grin grew. "And just know that I totally won't judge if the Superiors really did call you in for having a little too much fun with Damon last Saturday."

My eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?" I questioned, my tone low. Kai winked, but didn't respond. I took a deep, calming breath. "Seriously, Kaiden, what are you talking about?"

Kai's smirk grew, his eyebrows rising in amusement. "Oh, you haven't heard?"

I breathed out patiently. "Haven't heard what, Kaiden?"

"Well," he began, eyeing me cautiously. "Your little friend, Damon, apparently told Madison that you two hooked up at her party. I guess people assumed that's why the Superiors called you in..." A pause. "Yeah, so rumour spread and now everybody thinks you guys, er, well...did the deed."

A familiar coldness suddenly settled over me, my hands unconsciously curling into fists. "What the hell?! Kai, I wasn't even at that party!"

"Yeah, I know." He pulled me in, gripped my shoulders and forced me to look at him. "Hey, Lena, calm down. It's okay. You didn't think I'd really let them play this one out, did you? I told them it was bull, besides; most people know you weren't there anyway."

"Where is she?"

Kaiden frowned. "Where's who?"


He hesitated. "Last I heard, she's spending the day with Tysha."

My eyes narrowed. "You mean to say, that bitch is in my room with Tysha? Tysha as in my roommate?"

"Why do you want to know?" he questioned suspiciously.

I laughed cynically. "I'm not allowed to hit Damon, Kai, even you know that. His family would freak and probably sue me. But...I can hit Madison and most likely get away with it," I paused, eyeing his reaction. "Are they in my room, Kaiden?" my tone leaked of venom, and I couldn't help but feel slightly sympathetic towards Kai. I wasn't angry at him, Madison and Damon were the ones to blame, but I just couldn't seem to prevent the bitchiness from escaping my mouth.

Kaiden's eyes closed, his head tipping back. "Yes," he replied reluctantly, "as far as I know of, they're in your room." I turned away simultaneously, walking towards the training room's exit. I didn't get fast, though, because Kaiden had clasped my elbow, preventing me from taking another step. "But you're not going to hit her, Rae-bug. You're a good person - she's not. Don't scoop down to her level, please, Lena."

I took a deep breath, counting to ten before responding. "Okay, fine, I won't hit her. But I'm still going to have a little chat with her. That lipstick-wearing bitch needs to know that if she wants to talk shit about me, she can say it to my face. Not behind my back like a little rodent."


If anything, Madison looked good today. Pretty, even - something that, unsurprisingly, made me even angrier. With her long, golden coloured hair, amethyst eyes and impossibly tanned, skin, the girl looked as if I hasn't knocked her out the previous day - which was irritating, to say the least. Call me a sadist, but I wanted to see the damage I caused. I wanted to gloat. But no, Madison just had to cover up the bruises with her makeup.

I stared at her blandly as she sat on Tysha's velvet bed, studying her perfectly painted nails as if she had no worries in the world. She, of course, was dressed in the tightest clothes known to man.

My eyes narrowed. "Are you lost, Madison? This isn't where they're handing out free pregnancy tests."

"Oh, boy," Kaiden muttered, quickly relocating himself beside me.

Madison glanced up, a pink flush crawling over her tanned cheeks. Her eyes flickered to Kaiden and she visibly swallowed. Within seconds, however, her vulnerability disintegrated as she flicked her hair back behind her shoulders, eyes gleaming in a certain way that made me want to cause physical harm...Again.

"How are your ribs, by the way? I was meaning to ask you last night, but you were...preoccupied." I paused, smirking as her glare turned deadly. "Tell me, did the doctors treat you well? Is that why I can't see any bruises?" My head tilted cynically. "Or did you just cover it all up with makeup?" A pause. "Yeah, I'm leaning towards the latter."

"You think you're so funny, don't you, Rae?" she asked; eyes squinted.

I smiled. "Well, if I'm going to be honest - I wasn't trying to be funny. But, now that you mention it; yes, Madison, I find myself bloody hilarious."

Madison laughed with that husky, throaty laugh that I was all too familiar with. Kaiden shifted nervously, and I narrowed my eyes at him, very much aware of what was probably running through his mind. A lopsided grin grew, and he shrugged. Rolling my eyes, I turned back to Madison.

"Speaking of funny things, I heard a rather...amusing rumour today."

Madison's perfectly shaped brows rose mockingly. "Did you?" she asked knowingly, turning her attention back to her nails. I took a deep breath, seconds before pouncing as Kaiden gripped my wrists firmly. Madison glanced up, eyeing his hand with an expression that I couldn't decipher. "Tell me, Lena," she leant forward, "when you take Kaiden out for a walk, do you put a lead on him too?"

I mocked her tone. "Tell me, Maddie, how does it feel to have chlamydia at such a young age?"

"How was he, by the way?" she questioned slyly. Kaiden's grip tightened. "Damon - that is. I mean, I've heard some pretty good reports, but I'm sure you'd know all about his...fortes."

There was a moment in which nobody moved, not even me. I smiled at her before turning to Kaiden. "You know what? Screw being the good guy."

His eyes widened in understanding before I pounced.


three months is too long people


filler chapter, sorry not sorry....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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