Awkward Moments :s

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 Awkward Moments :s

That awkward moment when you're alone in an elevator & you start to do weird shit & then realize there's a camera in the elevator O__o (i got the moves my Jagger, i got the mooo- *turns around* sh*t!)

That awkward moment when you’re running and your breasts are bouncing.......and you’re a GUY

O__o (LOL)

That awkward moment when your checking yourself out in the window of another car and realise there's actually someone inside (like wtf b!tc#!)

That awkward moment when you spell a word correctly but it looks wrong so you stare at it forever, questioning its existence

That awkward moment when you walk into a closet and you don't end up in Narnia (awww, i so wanted to meet that retarded animal, that was in there =(.

That awkward moment when you wake up 3AM in the morning & wonder.... what the f*c# happened to my pillow?

That awkward moment when you’re playing with your pen in class, and suddenly it flies across the room, & everyone stares at you (O_O woow! it developed super powers, cool)

That awkward moment when you’re talking about someone and you realize their right behind you (sh*t, what part did they hear?)

the awkward moment when new people you've just met remember your name but you dont remember theirs (poker face O__o  )

That awkward moment when the garbage goes out more then you (*lonely, I am so lonely.....*)

That awkward moment when someone asks you what’s wrong and their the problem (you b!tc#!)

that awkward moment when your that one friend who always gives relationship advice, but is still single (that's me people, i know sad =(. )

that awkward moment when your laughing and your gums fall out of your mouth (damn!!)

The awkward moment when you try to search for someone’s name and instead end up setting their name as your Facebook status ( -Taylor- what noooo-, f*ck!)

That awkward moment when everyone is silent just waiting for someone to say, "awkward"

The awkward moment when your stomach growls in class, and your teacher asks if you need something to eat (that should be a embarrassing moment, right?)

That awkward moment when your mom is washing the dishes, and you put one in the sink (*mom gives the death glare* oops)

The awkward when you think your crush is staring at you but is actually staring at the girl next to you (and she give you the *shame bitch* look)

That awkward moment when your friends are laughing about a joke and you still don't get it (what the f*c#, that ain't even funny)

That awkward moment when your friend is friends with the person you hate (wwwwhhhhyy!?).

That awkward moment when people think they're funny but their just annoying (please just shut the f*c# up!, i'll pay you?)

That awkward moment when you wait for a text but you realize you're the one that didn't reply (ohhhh)

That awkward moment when the world doesn't end on December 21st 2012, and a lot of girls end up being pregnant (aww, that means- but i-some kill me now, no wait let my mum do that)

That awkward moment when your Internet goes down & you dint know what to do with your life ( how about i- naaa never mind)

That awkward moment when Chris Brown raises up his hand and everybody flinches 

that awkward moment when you can’t find your phone because your bed ate it (now, we go do this the easy way or the hard way?)

That awkward moment when you go for a hand shake and they go for a hug (this is always happening to me with my relatives, but the other way round)

That awkward moment when an Innocent changes to porn when your parents walk in (it’s like, 2hr  film, yeah, and 20minutes sex scene, what are the chances your parents walking in at the sex scene? 100% the chances b!tc#!)


Hope you guys liked that or cheered you up if you were feeling bummed today

Lots of love Lizzy (is it just me, or did that line just sounded so cheesy out loud?)

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