That Moment.....

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That Moment.....

that moment

when you come up with the most epic

punchline ever for an argument

that happened 4 hours ago

(f f f f f f fuuuuuuuu)

hey drep can i ask you a qustion??

yeah, sure

alright, but you can only answer with a 'yes' or a 'no'

yeah, whatever

does your mother know your gay?...

....and that moment when you know you'll f*ck up any way

that moment

when you think the waitress is bringing your food

but then she walks right past you


that moment

7 hours ago when

you thought you weregoing to do your homework

(oh well)

that moment

when you get ready to say some thing

but then the subject changes (wtf)

that moment

when you find free wifi

in a public (praise the lord |_(oo)_|  )

that moment

when you walk into a spider web

and suddenly turn into a karate master

(happens to the best of us \_(oo)_/

that (awesome) moment when you can correct your teacher (wrong b*tch!)

that moment

when you wake up after a party

check your pants pockets

and find you wallet and cellphone

       IN THERE!

that moment

when you talk to your self

and you start smiling like an idiot

because your just so hilarious

(i know you are..yes you are)

that moment

when your new born baby sleeps 8 hours straight,

you think you'll celebrate


instead you run to her room, thinking...


that moment

you stare at your exam asking your self

' the fuck is this shit?'

that moment

you have so much shit to do

you decide your not going to do any of it

(f*ck it all!)

that moment

when some one reminds the teacher

about the home work

( oo) ( oo) ( oo) (OO) (oo ) (oo ) (oo )

that moment

when you feel like farting

but instead shit comes out

and you realize you've got diarrhea

( and then you think two things....

-1: no school for a week. ohh, yeah!

-2: changing my pants. should i get up?)


hope you guys liked that, even though it was retty short

sorry, but i promise to make the next one longer, happy?

<3 #@md@

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