Chapter 1

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There is a dark world out there from galaxy to other galaxies even though it's tough to survive, but there's always a saying "never to give up". Where I come from there was never such thing as giving up or not giving up. "When I was a little boy well, I am 16 living on my own writing this story, okay never mind that , when I was a little boy my parents were strong warriors they fight our world against others, they were the best of the best , the emperor liked them but this was when I was five I didn't know what a warrior was all I knew at the time was wiening for help or food like a baby yes I was spoiled , but my parents still cared about me and that's what I loved about them is that they cared about me even though when I was 10 I had to keep cleaning up my own mess "blah blah blah". Then I turned 11 years old that's when it happened , a big crash comes down to our city and world it was the sound of death rising and people screaming, people running around with swords and staffs and bows they were everywhere but no seen of my parents I was shouting so loud I couldn't hear my mother screaming my name next to me, and there she was down on the floor bleeding right in front of me and my father still up there fighting and not giving up his will, until a sudden flash appeared right towards my dad and all I could see was nothing my eyes were too blinded and then when I regain focus I saw my father right there falling to his knees, dead.


My mother was screaming "No!!! why not me, take me instead of him." I was scared cause I never seen my own father go down that quickly in one strike and there I was my knees drop at the same time as my father fell. I put my head down crying and my tears were falling on my mom's face and these were her last words, " Stay strong my son and never give up and everything will be ok..ay...." I was right there screaming "no no you can't leave me no!" There I saw her eye's turning black as I know here spirit left the body. Now for the past five years I was a orphan in a small town; no one liked me that much, but I can live through it. When I started to go to schools and back then this is where, of course, no electronics. There was only power and fighting and studying "Ewwww I hate studying" that was the thing I never wanted to do but hey I had to do it for passing and learning but I didn't do a whole lot of it because I used to get bullied , I couldn't get my work done with these three guys: Rocky, Joe, and Samuel, they wouldn't leave me alone. They always called me lonely boy or dumb or weakling cause I would never fight back at all because I am a weakling. I don't know how to fight at all, but I mean this is where I am now and yes I do know how to fight, but this was like about 8 months ago. Then there was that day, that special day, it was my birthday when I turned 16 and my birthday was the day my parents died. I celebrated my birthday and mourned my parents, but then the three guys came up to me and just stared at me for a long period of time and Joe said: "Hey I heard it was your birthday and we came here to help you celebrate." Rocky said: "Yeah we're here to celebrate your birthday and your dead parents." Samuel spoke nothing but then he walked up to me and punched me in the face, yes my beautiful face and I fell right


to the floor bleeding and they laughed at me. Samuel said,:"Who cares about your dead parents I bet they were worthless to you in every way and who really cares about you because no one does weakling." I stood up slowly so a headache wouldn't jump up fast, I turned as quickly as I can to them with rage gazing through my veins and then I "SNAPPED!" A full fist right to Samuel's face and a left kick right to Joe's leg and an uppercut to Rocky's chin and I did say I didn't know how to fight but you didn't know I was a badass!!

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