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My name is Jacob, Jacob Williams Jr. I was a 28 year-old, ex- army and The Head of Security, in Lotus Casino. Also, I had become a widower recently. You wanna know what killed her don't you? Well, I will tell you what killed my wife, she got shot right between her eyes with a colt python .357 magnum, and I am guessing you also wanna know who shot her? Well... I shot her, point-blank, right between her eyes with a colt python .357 magnum, splattering her brain all over the wall! Now, I know what's going inside that tiny little brain of yours, Why did I shoot her?!, I am a maniac! Or that, I am a monstrous, psychopath! I get it. But let me explain.

The day was 2nd of July, Sunday, 2005, it was summer and was hot as hell! I lived in the suburbs of L.A, the area was nice, with peaceful neighbors. I had two daughters, the first one, Milly, was 13-years-old and she had already started to ignore her daddy and the second one was, Emily, she was my little angel, she was 7...wait, no, no, she was 6 years old and she was the most beautiful thing in the whole world! Well...my older daughter was also beautiful...I mean, huh, who am I kidding, she got that ugly nose of hers from me, so bite me, right?!

I was sitting on my porch, it was about 11:30 am, I was shirtless and was wearing pants so tight, it could barely hold my package inside. I had beer on my left hand and a cigarette on the other. I moved my cigarette closer to my lips, took a puff and exhaled the white, cloud of death.

I watched people walk by my house, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Gays... it was a nice community, diverse... As I watched those people I felt really tired, I hadn't slept in three days, my eyes were barely open and plus the rocking chair and the comfortable shade of the porch didn't help.

A neighbor, directly in front of me was grilling steak. The smell from that juicy, grilled steak made the rats inside me go ape shit! I was hungry and I wanted to eat something immediately.

So, I jolted up, shook my tiredness away, flicked my cigarette and walked inside my house. I walked up to the fridge and opened it, and all I saw was green, green and green, nothing else. I took a deep breath and let out a long sigh and shook my head.

Okay, you are hungry, so what do you do? You pick up your phone and call you favorite food place. You order your favorite food, as in my case, I like pizza with extra cheese and peperoni. After waiting for about twenty minutes your door bell finally rings, you run towards the door and open it, filled with joy! And just then, instead of getting your favorite pizza, the delivery guy hands you a pack of frozen yogurt! A pack of frozen fucking yogurt!, That's how I felt.

I stood up straight and turned around.

''Honey! Where's the food? '' I yelled loudly.

My wife came down slowly from upstairs, humming a song I had never heard before. She was wearing a pink gown and slippers. She was also wearing a cast over her left forearm, she had a small strip of bandage on the right side of her forehead and had a cut on her upper nose. Recently she was in a car accident.

My wife, Darlene had also lost a lot of weight recently. Her cheeks and eyes had sunk. She would almost always wake up with red eyes, it looked as if every night she cried herself to sleep.

''What do you mean? '' she asked back.

''What I mean is, where is all the real food? Not this, forest, that's growing inside our fridge!'' I pointed at the greenery inside the fridge.

''This is food...'' she replied.

''You call this food?'' I yelled.

''I could heat up the leftovers from yesterday'' she said, sticking her hands forward trying to calm me down.

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