The Same Feeling

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A/N:It is really sick,sorry.Think twice before you read this story,at last....enjoy?

(Warning: Peson ruining/faking,not real.And don't kill me,plz:-!)


(Anthony POV.)

I really miss Ian.

I'm not meet Ian since I move out for Smosh house and live with kalel,cause she hgot pregnant for about eight months, and the doctor tell me the expected delivery date is near.I still remember his face was sad when I taked all my staff for the house,but,me either.

He has been not calling me for a while, what happened to him?Maybe he is busy?Maybe he has a good time with Melanie.

It been a long days...I miss him,very much.


Anthony got into his car,and drive to the Smosh house.He open the door gently,fear came out,for no reason.

(Anthony POV)

"Ian!Is Anthony!"I shouted.

The whole place was silence,I felt silent terror.A thought came to my mind.


But where the hell is Ian?!

I walked around the living room,it was creepy.Everything look the same but I felt different.Somebody changed something.When I sat on the sofa,I felt different.

I walked to Ian's bedroom door,I looked inside.

I felt scared and...regreted.

The room is emply.

"....Ian?",I stammered.I saw a paper dropped on the floor,I picked it up,something were written on it.

"I miss Anthony, I feel like I'm losting him when he met Kalel........."

"Oh my God,Ian has the same feeling like me!",I yelled.I really miss him too.Maybe he's not at home,I should call him.

"Sorry sir,no signal in your area.",the phone said.I cut off the phone,all the things that happened was so creepy.Where the fuck is Ian Hecox?What happened to him?

I saw that paper still have a short paragraph.

"I am losting my love,I love him more than everything,even my life and Melanie.I must kill that whore,she ruining us,Anthony is mine.When Anthony see this note,she probably died!Anthony,we finally can be together.See you later in our new home.(Ian.6/6)"

I been shocked,why.....Ian Hecox...Why you do this to me?!

"Why....Ian Hecox!Where the hell are you?!Come out!",I yelled with all my anger.

"I'm right here,babe.",a creepy voice that sounds like Ian.That guy walked behind me,and hugged me.Is Ian.

I wanted to push him away,but he hugged me really tight.

"Wh...ere is...kalel?",I stammered,I can't beath easily.

"You mean that whore?Look outside the door!",he said happily.

I walked outside the room,a head dropped on the ,bloody.I poke away the hair,so soft,so fragrant.Tear ran out for my eyes,heartbreaking...

"Kalel...!",I whispered.

"Am I did a good job?Anthony?",he said satirizely,he smile like a child got candys.

He come closer and closer, holding a knife full of blood.


I can't believe my best friend did this to me,he is so nice in the old time,I mean,maybe he loves me,but whay must kill Kalel?He can tell me before I move out!

Ian was chasing me at the back.I ran into my bedroom,or now,I should said my "old" bedroom.I locked the door.

Maybe I shouldn't say this right now,the room is clean like the way it used to.Ian still help me to do cleaning,like we used to.Is good that he still remember it.


"Should I tell him....?"

I should probably think about it.

(Ian POV.)

I put the knife down to the floor,I hate doing stuff like this.I don't want to act like a psychiatric patients.But back in time,I shouldn't agreed to help her do this.


Back in the morning,I was going to Anthony and Kalel house,help Anthony to take care of her.

I'm just really jealous on her,she get all of Anthony's love.

I knocked the door,she open the door and let me came in.A thought came to my mind,"Something must be happening inside".I saw something that I never going to forget.

"Hi Ian."

"Kalel....What happened to your arm!"

"Oh,nothing at all.By the way,is Anthony asked you to come?"

"Yep,what happened?Can I come in?Let me help you to stop the blood."

"Great idea.Come in."

The house was totally a mess!Emtry wine bottle, cigarettes taste were flowing in air,drug bags dropped on floor.I never trusted her.

I took some b,and put it on her hands.

I realized that,blood are everywhere,

All the blood,it came a little lady.

Why Kalel cut herself?

"Hey,Kalel.Can I ask you a question?"I asked her sotfly.

"Sure,what is it?"

"Are you planning to kill your bady or you never got pregnant?"

I remember the first time I met her,she was a happy girl,like the kind of woman all the men dying to have.I jealous on her,she got the one man I want for life.Though the time,things changed.They changed,Anthony and Kalel.The relationship between of three of us started to become weird...or,should I say ,creepy?

Anthony started acting weird,and he doesn't knew.I tried to asked what happened and is it about Kalel.He said no,and......PUSH ME AWAY LIKE I'M JUST A....TOY...?My jealousy slowly became a awfully hate.


(..........Anthony?Don't go away!Please!..........)


"I regent to my life,I regent to all the things that I did.I want to throw it all away."


d iD....I.....juSt......heAr d.....What.....sHe....SaId...?" iT"?

Ym YbE Oelv,ThanonY.


"Hi,I am Ian Hecox!"

"My name is..Anthony Padilla."

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