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this chapter is dedicated to EmiIvanMartine thank you for supporting much love xx

Emilio's POV

I felt light, empty. My body was in a state of shock, as I laid on the hard hospital bed and listened to the soft beeping of the machines. My chest ached, but why? I don't even remember falling asleep. I peel my eyes open and look around the room, the white walls nearly blinding. I shut my eyes not wanting to deal with the headache it brought.

"How is he?" I heard a voice ask

"He's stable." Another voice spoke

I slightly opened my eyes and looked over to the door spotting Erika, Ivan and a doctor standing there.

"What caused it?" Ivan asked

"The stress of the whole situation, he was dehydrated, slightly malnourished and had sleep deprivation. All of that put stress on his heart causing it to work harder than it needs to" The doctor explained "So when he saw Isabella have a seizure it triggered it because of the stress and strong emotions he felt."

"What do you advise we do?" Erika asked

"Make him rest, don't let him stress." The doctor said "It's very crucial to his health that he stays calm and doesn't experience anything that'll cause an uprising of anger,stress, and excitement"

"Can I go?" I croaked causing their heads to snap towards me

"How are you feeling?" The doctor questioned as she examined me and made sure I was doing okay.

"I'm fine" I answer "I want to go see Isabella"

"No can do" She says smiling sympathetically "You're on strict bed rest"

"Then when?" I ask taking the cup of water Erika handed me and sipping it graciously.

"A week or two" She says scribbling down on the chart "I want to make sure I send you out of here in your best condition."

I looked back at the white walls, still bright. But the more I stared at those bright white walls the more dull they became and the cracks became more evident to me. Just like the girl lying on her death bed. She was as bright as these white walls,but the more you stare the darker she became, her cracks became more evident.

"Emilio?" Ivan said placing a hand on my shoulder "Don't scare me like that bro"

"I'm sorry" I whisper as he brings me into a hug.

"Hey, you okay?" Erika says gently as she pushes my hair away from my face like a mother would.

I only nod and stare out the door to the hall, I wanted to go see her. I needed to see her, so I began to sit up ignoring the stiffness in my chest as I tried to get out of the bed.

"Woah" Ivan said "Hermano, no estas en condicion bueno para levantarse." (Bro, you're not in good condition to get up.)

"Por favor Ivan, necesito ver a Isabella" I whispered my eyes filled with tears. (Please Ivan, I need to see Isabella)

"Emilio, you have to stay" Ivan said looking at Erika who got the message and left the room


Ivan sighed running his hands through his hair as he pulled the chair close to the bed and sat down. He took my hand in his and looked at me for a moment, I thought she was dead. He made it seem like she was dead.

"She's dead?" I ask

"No! Oh god, no!" Ivan said "She's still in a coma and very much alive but the doctors saw a pattern in her brain waves that are shown in patients with amnesia."

"So if she wakes up she won't remember us?" I frown

"We don't know" Ivan says "They said it could be just the accident or it could be the past 2 years of her life, there is no way of knowing until.."

"She wakes up" I say "Will she ever wake up?"

"I hope so" Ivan says "This is killing you more than it is to any of us"

"I need to see her" I repeated

"Not now, maybe when you're better" Ivan said "Don't stress out Emilio. I don't want to plan a funeral for you so early"

"Not funny" I mutter leaning my head back onto the pillow. I shut my eyes letting out a deep breath.

Ivan still had a firm grip on my hand as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. He held onto me tightly as if he was afraid to let go. I squeezed his hand back reassuringly.

"I can't lose you Emilio" Ivan said

"You won't lose me Ivan" I told him "Not ever"

He nodded and looked down as he still held my hand. I realized he was probably really tired and hadn't slept since what happened yesterday. I felt the guilt move through me as I thought of him losing sleep to take care of me. I wasn't supposed to get sick, I wasn't supposed to be lying in this bed.

I shut my eyes and let my mind relax slightly. I felt Ivan's grip getting loose as I slipped into a deep sleep.

Quiet mumbling woke me from my long sleep, I stirred slightly and opened my eyes. I looked to the doorway where I saw Tessa and Ivan having what looked like a heated conversation. Ivan shook his head and placed one hand on Tessa's waist leaning in closely.

"Ivan.." Tessa muttered as he got closer to her face

"Just let us happen" He said kissing her

I looked away quickly, what the actual fuck? Since when did they have a thing going on? I looked back over to them and saw them finally pull away. Tessa had a light blush coating her cheeks as she pecked Ivan's lips one last time.

"I don't want to hide us anymore" Ivan said lowly

"How long?" I said catching their attention

Startled they jumped apart and looked at me with guilty expressions. Tessa opened her mouth to speak but stayed silent, she looked as if she didn't know what to say.

"Emilio, we can explain" Tessa said finally finding words to say

"I'm waiting" I said crossing my arms over my chest "I've got all day"

"I love her Emilio" Ivan said "We've been seeing each other"

"For the past five months" Tessa added quietly

"You've been hiding this from me for five months?" I scoffed looking away

"I'm sorry Emilio. I wasn't ready to tell people don't be mad at him" Tessa pleaded

"I'm pissed" I snap "I don't want to hear any apologies but get out"

"Emilio.." Ivan began

"How would you feel if I hid something this big from you?" I said "My own twin brother and best friend, unbelievable"

"I'm sorry E" Tessa said

"Get out" I snarled "Now!"

They both left the room leaving me alone. I knew I shouldn't have reacted like that, but they hid this from me. I thought they trusted me?

Hola amigos! Sorry I've been MIA i've been busy and sick back to back haha. But i'm back now! Enjoy this chapter

thank you for all the love and support!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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