Stupid Lungs

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We were running as fast as we could to get to our classroom. We were late, 5 minutes late! And in this school being late is not something you should do. Our classroom is at the third floor so I was probably breathless and my vision was starting to fade, I tried reaching for my inhaler but I could not find it, then I realized I left it at my back pack inside the classroom.

“Rome…” I shouted or maybe it wasn’t a shout, I don’t care. I CANT BREATHE!

“Oh my god, what’s happening?” the joy in his eyes were gone, all I can see is panic. Why can’t I stop looking at his eyes?!

“ ” I said taking a deep wheezing breath at every syllable

“what should I do?!”

“In..ha..lerrr.. ba…ccckk..paa…ckk”

“in your stupid picky backpack that need a chair of its own?”

I couldn’t tell if he was joking I tried to punch him but I can’t. He ran as fast as he could and I was the door open but I couldn’t see inside the room. But I don’t care. All I care about now is getting my stupid lungs to work. I tried closing my mouth and breath through my nose but it won’t work, my stupid lung won’t work!

What’s taking him so long? I shouted inside my head. Maybe he was in trouble but he couldn’t, this is a freaking emergency and I’m dying here! Just as when I was about to lose hope and said to myself “this is it, this is the moment your lungs kill you. Bye bye world” I saw feet! No not feet shoes! A pair of leather shoes and a pair of big heels, probably size 10 but who cares I’m dying!

“There she is” The voice was familiar, Rome

“where?” I didn’t know whose voice was that but I’m guessing a teacher?

The hurried down the stairs and Rome gave me my inhaler. I think I sucked everything that’s inside that stupid tube thing but that stupid tube thing is what’s keeping my stupid lungs from killing me. I was still struggling to breathe but I was a whole lot better. They tried to pull me up and I did, they insist on bringing me to the nurse’s office but I hesitated. I don’t want a trip to the clinic at the first day of school!

As we walk to the classroom, Rome carrying me by his shoulder. I could see thirty pair of eyes staring at me. Please stop staring, please stop staring. That thought ran through my head the whole way to our seats. I could see disgust but there was one girl whose eyes were full of sympathy. I don’t know here, obviously but it was as if I want to. What’s wrong with me? I’m starting to people, ugh.  We finally reach our seats. I continued sucking at my inhaler.

“are you sure you’re okay Ms. Venice?”

I just gave her a thumbs up

“STOP WHEEZING” a big dude said, the bully.

“stop it!” she was talking to him

I was still sucking at my inhaler as rough and bitter air pushed through my throat. They continued the class, Math class. She was quite big, too big for a woman. It’s a shock she’s a math teacher. She’s more suitable to be a PE teacher. Board shoulders, long lean legs and a face so tight she looks like a man if she wasn’t wearing a skirt and high heels.

“You okay?” Asked Rome



“Great.” I gave him a smile. The first smile I gave to someone I just met. Well that’s new.

I never smiled at anyone before. Even at home I never smile at any living breathing creature, the only person I smile at was fictional characters if they count as people well yes, I've smiled at someone before but this, this is a human being and I smiled at him. This may not be such a big deal to you but it is to me. I'm changing but why? Why now and why him?                                                                                                                                           

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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