Chapter 3

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The noble knight rode into her camp, his horse trotting to a stop at the very place they stood not too long ago. He dismounted and looked around, only finding a few of her bags resting upon the forest floor next to a fallen tree. A fallen tree that seemed to have given up recently.

'Oh, the irony in that.' he thought.

Looking around, he found he was very much alone in this remote forest. The only sign that she had retured here was her belongings were fewer than before than before. He hoped he was not being too forward, but he had wanted a few answers. She was a mysterious creature. He wanted to know her soul, learn her name. Perhaps it would be wise to start with her name first...

As he continued to drift off with thoughts of a certain young healer, he heard the unmistakable sound of splashing water. Following the sound, he soon reached a small lake. With the perfect afternoon sun upon the clear smooth water, it was a sight. But that is not what caught his attention. Surfacing from below, a figure of an angel entered his vision.

Having soaked up the events of the day, Aella felt refreshed in both mind and body after her swim. Running out of breath, she swam to the surface, breaking the calm quiet waters to a rippling effect. Walking out of the water, she felt warmth from the now beaming sun.

Hidden behind the trees and tall bushes, he watched as she walked towards shore. Her dark wet hair sheilded her as a covering. Droplets of water running down her body, rushing back into the lake as if it was a sin for such a simple element to be touched by her. Sunlight reflecting off her golden skin, illuminated by the water soaking her whole. Like a mythical siren, her hair covered her chest and clung to her-
He quickly turned before he saw more, in respect of her privacy and dignity. This was not in any way proper, especially a knight known to be noble.

As she waded to shore, she walked to where her dress lay. As she loosely fixed the laces on the front, she walked towards her bag and satchel. Pulling out an old fresh rag, she ran the cloth through her wet hair. Sighing, ahe closed her eyes feeling refreshed and cleansed.

Perhaps she would be dressed by now. Not able to wait another moment, he turned to find-
Indeed, an angel. In an ivory dress flowing with the slight breeze, the sunlight adorning her features. Eyes closed in deep satisfaction, her hands ran through her now damp hair which cascaded in loose waves down her abdomen. Watching the child of the sun, his breath caught in his throat as she uttered words to break the ever quiet silence.

"Have you come for answers?" she said aloud without a flutter of her closed eyes.

Now aware of the fact that she was- well... aware of him, he stared to regain consciousness.

She opened her eyes to look straight at him. "For you do not strike me as a man who would sneak upon-"

"N-no! No, I- yes! he stammered. "I had a few questions." finishing softly.

"Hmm." She moved closer toward him. "And your thoughts were bothering you so, as you needed answers to satisfy your wandering mind? Or to put your conscience to rest?"

He looked upon her dewy face, fingers itching to tuck away a few wet strands.

"Both." he answered softly.

After a few moments of consideration, a gentle smile tugged her face.

"Very well, then." She led him over to a mossy patch of earth, and sat. "I suppose you would be better company than the prince." she added looking upon him.

He contemplated on his seating choice, and swiftly sat after thinking how ridiculous he looked standing, staring. Sitting relatively close, but far too much for his satisfaction, he gazed upon the water illuminated by the warming sun thinking of how to start this exchange.

A comfortable silence waved between the two, unbeknownst the other was also looking into the seemingly magical waters; drawn to the beauty.

The softness of his voice was the perfect tone to her ears, as was the sight to her eyes.

"I do not think we've met."

She looked towards him, amused. He quickly looked to her, explaining himself. Well, trying.

"I mean, I do not think we've properly met."

Her grin widened, as she tried not to laugh. Saving himself from humiliation, she offered her hand and introduction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, noble knight. My name is Aella." Her voice a musical surrender to his soul.

He grasped her classical hand in his rough one.

"Leon." His voice ever so soft, but the masculine undertones showing through.

As their hands stayed clasped, his eyes stared into hers. As if staring into her soul, trying to figure her out from beginning to present. She seemed carefully reserved, but opened widely as if a friendly gesture. Would he be so lucky as to catch a hint-

"Trying to figure me out, knight? You'll see I'm not an easy one to give in so effortlessly to a stranger." she interrupted his, again, wandering thoughts. He seemed to do just that when she was around.

"Why, we've just met. We are no longer strangers." He looks down to their still-connected hands, to prove his point.

She looks down as well, disconnecting them alas.

"Hmm, he jests." she says thoughtfully, wistfully. Though suddenly her demeanor changes, looking him with an amusing expression. "What's the occasion?"

She catches him off-guard to see her returning his humor, but he is just as quick to respond.

"Just, your presence. Your company, I suppose."

"My! I've heard of a knight charming a maiden, as though they soon would swoon... Though I never expected this from you." she says almost in a playfully sarcastic tone.

His eyebrows furrow, letting out a huffed laugh. As if trying to figure it out himself, he takes a moment to respond. He looks down, thoughts wandering. Turning.

"It certainly is a first for me. Just being around you, makes me different in a way. Something I'd never thought to gave been after all my years." he says, thinking. He looks up, as if giving up on his searching for his behavior around only her. "Quite strange to see, it might be."

"Some may say strange. Others... refreshing." She looks to him with an attentive smile.

After years of predating the most savage beasts, hunting off ruthless enemies; how one woman's smile could break him down just like that.

"What magic are you working upon me?" he whispers, as if he didn't mean to say aloud. Voicing exactly his thoughts, it slips through.

She seeked into his emerald orbs, swirling with curiosity- and something else...

"No magic." she replies softly. "Just you."

How could she reply so earnestly, truthfully, but kindly when he manages to abash himself time and time again. She comes back with a gracious response. An angel. Sent to watch over him? Or make his happiness, no doubt.

As two beings have met, to feel as they have known each other many years before. And many years to come. Looking into each other's eyes, an understanding came to each.

An understanding. A yearning. A desire.

To be seen- by only each other.

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