Chapter 2

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Louis: (opens his eyes and turns around, he was in a room, with many posters on the walls and a small bed, a TV, a little table with laptop on it and some more stuff) “Where am I?”




Louis: (confused): “What?”


Lottie: (giggling) “You slept for a pretty long time Boo, mom started getting worried!”


Louis: “Mom?”


Lottie: “You know, the person that cooks, you are living with and gave birth to you silly”


Louis: “Wait I am at home?”


Lottie: (a bit confused now) “You were always home?”


Louis: “But wasn’t I in a band with those other guys from the x-factor?”


Lottie: “I think you dreamed something there, you are fourteen and you cannot even sing”


Louis: “Oh… really?”


Lottie: (giggles) “You once sang a good night song to Daisy and Phoebe and they started crying”


Louis: (laughs) “So I am that bad?”


Lottie: (nods serious) “You are do not get your hopes to high because of that dream”


Louis: (giggles) “fine, fine”


Lottie: (grabs his hand) “Now come, dinner is ready and you wouldn’t wake up sleeping beauty”


Louis: “Well thank you princess”


Lottie: (pouts) “I am no princess, I am the knight taking care of you! You are the princess!”


Louis: (grins) “Are you trying to say that I am a girl?”


Lottie: Well you act like one


Louis: (pretends to be deeply shocked) “Well that was not a nice thing to say dear, MOTHER bring my tea!”


Jay: “Well look who finally got the power to get out of bed”


Louis: “I don’t see my tea”


Jay: “Since when am I the servant of our little princess”


Lottie: (giggling) “I am the big knight mommy, and I tell you to get the tea for the princess right now!”


Jay: (smirks) “Oh is that so? I heard that the really good knights make tea for their princess”

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