Chapter 2

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Hello everyone, here bringing an update as a treaty please don't kill me. Anyway, 1K we hit 1K!!!!!! How the frick does that happen. You guys don't understand how happy this makes me I'm crying happy tears. Thank you soooooooooo much everyone that has read or will read this story.

Anyway, how is everyone, good? have we eaten today? told ourselves that we love ourselves? talk to a special someone? just stayed in bed like me? that's cool.

(sorry for any mistakes please comment if you see any)


Karmas POV

I was woken up to a loud thump and when I found the culprits or culprits I should say I was NOT expecting this, so I got up and choose to take a closer look at the two. As I got closer I was absolutely amazed with what I saw.

There was an amazing girl with her leg between the guys legs trapping him. But she, she was doubtlessly angelic with curves in all the right places and a big rack, positively the most beautiful long blue hair I'd ever seen, with a short skirt if you ask me but I wasn't going to be complaining anytime soon (The picture I added is what looks like but with boobs and long hair)

they were talking and I couldn't hear what they were saying so I tried to get closer making sure to hide my blood lust and not to make a sound lucky I got to the edge of the forest and stayed there I strained to hear what they were saying and concentrated like my life depended on it and for some reason it felt like it did.

"Nagisa get the fuck off me now or so help me I will not hesitate!... " the guy was cut off by 'Nagisa' licked his neck slowly he started blush and tried to stifle a moan, his legs started to collapse for some reason this made, ME, THE Karma Akabane aka the devil blush and I was not liking it one bit. 'Nagisa' then bit his earlobe and gave it a bit of a tug and his legs just collapsed out of underneath him. 'Nagisa' then hmphed crouched down to the boys ear and whispered to him

" If you ever threaten me again I will do more than just that!" I shivered at how intimidating she was and how she completely took over the situation. At this point she was completely radiating anger and power, and by no means did I ever want to fuck with this girl. As the other boy just sat there on the ground in a complete daze she then turned around and yelled out

"Hey pervert, you wanna come out and stop being and freaking peeping tom, or do I have do come and make you?" As soon as she finished I got out of the forest wondering who the fuck this girl was to sense my presence, as I was the boy jumped up out of his daze and gave me a death stare that only wanted to make me laugh in his face.

" So, did you like the little show I put on for you?" I blushed as I remembered what she did only minutes ago

" YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE?!? Just to prove a point, right ?!" the guy seemed to be really annoyed at this and got up off the ground seemingly getting out of his daze. Right before he could get up and come at me Nagisa pushed him against the wall.

"Why can't you take my feelings seriously already?!" Woah this has nothing to do with me, so I just minded of started walking away until I was out of sight from the two. But before I could Nagisa called me out.

Nagisas POV


After I called the guy out of the bushes he looked really shocked I just silently chuckled at this and thought NOOB. Youre going to have to do a lot better than that to try and get past me. As he was walking out of the forest I could feel his eyes roaming up and down my body, heh, hes checking me out, little perv.

you might want to hurry u and stop checking me out before I get even more pissed off he seemed to be shocked that I could tell he was, and he blushed a beet red before calming down. I pressed my knee against Asano harder when I felt him trying to get up again.

whats your name little perv?

Karma, Karma Akabane (correct if I spelt this wrong)

Okay karma what class are you in?

3E I smirked upon hearing this and walk over to him and whispered in his ear

" well I guess Ill see you tomorrow in class" after that I left the two boys behind me to themselves waving as I turned the corner.

~lil time skip brought to you by Nagisa being a badass~

As I got to the apartment Ill be staying in while Im on this mission, was okay Ive stayed in far more extravagant places, but Ive also slept in much, much worse so I wasnt complaining that much. I had a simple dinner and went straight to bed but not before completely rigging the whole place with traps and weapons. With being the highest female hitman or assassin (do not know the difference with the two, so a little help would be appreciated) had its disadvantages and constantly being targeted was one of them. But thats life, for me at least.

creak I instantly woke up and grab my dagger from under my pillow and unsheathed it pretending to be asleep, as the person came closer to me I waited for the perfect moment to strike,

step not yet step just a little more step almost step

By this point they were at the foot of the bed and closing in on me. Just one more and

BAM!!! , I had jumped up and tackled the intruder to the floor holding my blade to their throat, they tried to struggle so I put more pressure on their neck and drew some blood.

Keep struggling and it will be the last thing you do, now Im only going to ask you this once, and dont try me because Im supposed to be sleeping right now so Im very pissed, okay, now what was your objective and who sent you ?! they only sighed at this.

First off, is that anyway to talk to your older brother?

[1009 words]


Any who I wrote a lot longer chapter this time everyone, so I hope you like it. I have quite a few reasons why I haven't updated in a long time (and I'm so sorry for that) but lets just some it down to 3 main reasons

1) my step-mum basically had me kicked out from dads house (I did nothing wrong) because she hated me, and I started refusing to do all the house work and still get in trouble because it wasn't "good enough" or "I never tried"

2) I lost my planning booklet when I move to my mums fulltime (I had split care, so I went to mums every second weekend and half the holidays)

3) I basically had to start a new school half through the term and got given an assessment task the first day there and struggled to study for the exams I had in four weeks and with the rest of the assessments I had to do so I got basically D's for everything besides math which was a B- (I never gotten lower than a C basically my whole life) so I was very depressed and didn't want to write.

So, I am very sorry for punishing you guys by not updating.

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