Lying Lottie

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I love all the guys siblings! But I need to make an evil relative but I don't mean any harm!

Hope you like it :-) xxx

I yawned as I sat up in bed, Lottie is coming today and Liam told me I had to be nice.
She's always trying to find some way to get me into trouble! Everyone always believes her over me!
I remember when I was younger and all the boys and there family's came to our house and Lottie told everyone I had drawn all over her favourite book and hit her when I hadn't! Everyone believed her and not me so I was sent to my room for the rest of the night.

I made my way across the hallway and to the kitchen "morning love" Louis said and skipped over to me "morning" I grumbled "hey don't pout Lottie's coming today" Louis cheered, I groaned inside "you'll have a friend who's a girl to talk to!" Louis continued cheering, more like a devil to have to put up with! "What did you just say?" Louis stopped cheering "uh" did I say that out loud? "Yes you did" Louis crossed his arms over his chest "uh it's...I'm...sorry" I stuttered and slowly backed away "I expect you to be nice to my sister she's never done anything to you, just because your horrible to her doesn't mean she'll be horrible back" Louis stormed away to get Zayn up I expect, I gritted my teeth so I didn't shout at him as he made his way out of the kitchen.

A few hours later a squeaky, high-pitched voice could be heard throughout the entire bus "hello Louis" she's here. I scrunched up my face as Louis shot from his seat on the sofa and ran to the entrance of the bus "Lottie!" The reunion was sickening to listen too "come on everyone Lottie's here" Louis called us all into the hallway "I think I'll stay put" I told Harry as he held his hand out for me to take "no you won't come on" Harry dragged my reluctant body to the hallways where the devil was smiling devilishly at me "oh hello Darcy" Lottie smiled "how lovely to see you again" she made her way over to me to hug me but I backed away "don't be shy Darcy" Harry urged me forward I didn't hug her back as she hugged me too tightly "well I think I should show you to your room, we were going to put you girls together but we thought you might want your space Lottie as you are a couple of years older so Darcy is going to stay with Harry" Louis picked up his sisters bags and carried them to my room!
Fuming and really upset, I stomped my feet at Harry "that's my room!" Harry ignored me and followed everyone else into the living room "fine then" I stomped again and made my way to my room, luckily Louis was showing Lottie around so I had some time to pack all my things into my suitcases, I packed my clothes, my personal possessions and everything in my room leave a wardrobe, a bed without any bedcovers or pillows on and a rug on the floor. Proud with my masterpiece I made my way to Harrys room and placed everything on the floor, I made a small bed for myself on the floor and put my full suitcase under Harrys bed, next I got my locked white box out and set all my things inside so Lottie couldn't get them back, it consisted of jewellery that cost a fortune, some money, my iPad, iPod and my Mac laptop. My phone was on a pink plait chain around my waist and everything else like clothes and things were safe under Harrys bed.
"Darcy Styles" Louis voice rung through the bus "put everything back in your room now!" I smiled innocently at Louis "but everything is in my room, mine and Harrys room" Louis growled "you can't leave Lottie with nothing at all!" Harry came zooming around the corner "woah what's happened?" Louis pointed at me "this sister of yours took everything out of Lottie's room and now it's plain!" Harry sighed at Louis "actually she can take it all, it's hers and we've always said she can put all her belongings in her room and take them into hotels with us so technically she can take them to my room" Harry placed a hand on my shoulder "come on sweetie" Harry picked me up and took me to our room "you don't like Lottie do you?" Harry chuckled as he laid next to me on his bed "no" I vigorously shook my head "okay then as long as you don't hurt her in anyway it's okay not to like someone" Harry stroked my hair "get some sleep then just me and you can go out for tea yeah?" I nodded my head and snuggled into Harrys chest "I love you" I mumbled and just before I fell asleep I heard a quiet "I love you more" against my hair.
"Wake the devil up now!" Louis.
Louis voice boomed through the bus "I swear she's been here all night Louis, she's been with me" I heard Harry defending me for something I hadn't done, well I don't think I've done "then who would have done this to poor Lottie, she's really upset but she's being brave so your evil sister won't tease her!" I felt a slap to my behind "ah" I squealed and jumped up "you better have a good explanation young lady or your behind will be as red as the London buses!" You could even see the steam pouring out of Louis ears "I swear I haven't done anything" I pleaded looking between Harry and Louis "I've been asleep with Harry all evening, we were going out for some tea" Harry put his arm on my shoulder "come on we'll go out now and Louis don't break anything while were gone" Harry guided me out of the room as Louis pulled my arm back "it's her fault the stupid idiots fault!" Louis bellowed "it's her fault my sister is upset and she's going to pay!" Louis tried to pull me away but Harry kept a strong grip on me. In a sudden moment Louis had to the stronger hold and yanked me away from Harry as I whimpered "Liam, Niall, Zayn!" Harry called the others in quickly as Louis set me over his knee "now Louis what's happened?" Liam rushed as he came bursting into the room "she's the devil that's what! She wrote horrible things on Lottie while she slept and tore her favourite dress and broke the heels on her shoes!" Louis was just about to pull my pants down as Liam and Zayn, the two strongest of the boys, yanked me back over to Harry "stop being so stupid Louis, right you two go and have some tea we will talk to Louis" Harry agreed and lifted me up and took me out onto the street as quick as he could "it's okay" he told me "I'll look after you."

"This is lovely" Harry stated with a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth, I giggled as the thought of the spaghetti and how it resemble his hair "what are you laughing at monkey?" Harry reached across the table and tickled my tummy, "excuse me" a girl said quietly, "can I please have a picture" the girl with short blonde hair smiled weakly at Harry "sorry love maybe next time yeah" Harry didn't like talking to fans while I was their, he didn't want me to think they were more important "oh okay sorry to bother you, it's fine" the girl was hiding tears, I could see it as she backed away from the table "wait" I called to her, she swirled around and looked at me "Harry take a picture with her, it's okay she's a fan and she really wants this" Harry nodded to the girl to come back "thank you" she cheered as Harry took a picture with her "hey don't thank me, thank this one" Harry hugged the girl as she whispered an 'I love you' to him, Harry whispered 'I love you more' back to her before she waved goodbye and skipped off.

"That was so sweet of you" Harry said as we walked back to the bus "she really wanted it, she was hiding tears" Harry opened the door of the bus for me "have fun?" Liam asked as we sat on the sofa together "yeah it was great" Harry answered "I'm just going to take Darcy to bed though" Harry lifted me up and I snuggled into his chest "I love you" I whispered as he pulled some pyjamas from my suitcase "you get dressed and I'll be back in a minute" I did as I was told and got into my pyjamas, what shocked me was that when Harry came back in, he came back with the hairbrush, "I know we stopped Louis from doing this before but there is no one else who would do it so you must have snuck out last night and I didn't notice" Harry sat on the bed "over my knee come on" Harry patted his knee for me to get onto "come on I'll make it quick" knowing I couldn't do anything I laid over Harrys knee "I won't lecture you because you know what you did"
Harry finished the thirty smacks and tried to cuddle me "no" I whimpered "go away" I pushed Harry away from me and laid down on the floor, pulling a blanket over me "I never did anything wrong" I said before Harry left the room "yes you did, don't deny it" Harry looked back at me one last time before leaving the room and leaving me to put up with the pain he caused for nothing.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Anyway I know it's sort of awful but I promise I will get better :-/ xx

Well hope your all having a lovely time wherever you are in the world!

I'm in the UK England!
Where are you?


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