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I'm making a new animated series called Bright Light and I'm going to post it on here when episodes come out


Today I'm gonna be talking to you about my character Synthia that's in this series.

Synthia is pretty much another version of me, but more grumpy and more likely to attack you if you make her mad.

She can turn into a wolf XD

that's pretty common but oh well.

She lives with three guys(Rowders, Scuba Steve and Cannoli).

She's a criminal.

Yeah, your probably gonna blow up the comments here and on YouTube because I made Synthia a bad guy.

But seriously

she was part of genetic experimentation.

She turned to a life of crime after that to rebel against the president(TRUMP) who was funding that.

It was pretty brutal.

If you want to hear about the other characters(background characters and whatnot) please tell me in the comments or message me.

Thank you.

RANDOM SHIZZZDO:SJFKL:EJAFLDKSWhere stories live. Discover now