Get a flat stomach

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How to Get a Flat Stomach!!

Whether it's springtime in Florida, summer in Sydney, or all year long in Hawaii, when the beaches beckon, you want to be in swimsuit shape. If you're feeling a little flabby around the middle, or just want to do a little toning up, let these tips be your guide.


Following a Healthy Diet!

#1: Don't eat anything for two to three hours before sleep. Your body slows down when you sleep, which will prevent your body from digesting the food in your stomach properly.

•You are also much less active in the evenings and at night, which means that your body is more likely to store the calories you consume late at night as fat, rather than burning them as energy.

•Try not to eat anything at least two to three hours before going to bed, or follow the "daylight diet", which only allows you to eat during daylight hours.

#2: Eat healthier. There's no real secret when it comes to having a flat-tummy friendly diet -- you simply need to eat more healthy foods like fruit, veg and whole grains, and cut down on junk food, like candy, chips and fast food. Just by making this simple switch, you'll see a world of difference to your stomach. However, it's not recommended that you go cold turkey - try to ease into a healthy diet by slowly, but consistently replacing the bad with the good. Here are some simple changes you can make:

•Eat lots of lean protein. Beans, nuts, and lean meat are rather good for you as long as you do not eat the fat!

•Eat whole grains. Look for labels that say "100% whole grain" or "100% whole wheat" and not just "wheat flour." Whole grains keep you fuller longer, which can help with weight loss and getting a flatter tummy.

•Eat low-fat dairy products. Switch out your high-fat dairy for low-fat options, which are rich in protein and vitamin B6.

•Eat healthy fats. Not all fat is bad you know! The monounsaturated fats found in avocados, nuts and oil fish are actually very good for you and can help you to lose weight. Just stay away from the trans fats found in processed foods and baked goods.

•Lower your sodium intake. Sodium causes your body to retain water, which causes you to look bloated-especially around your abdominal region. Whenever possible, try replacing high-sodium foods with healthier options. Switch regular table salt for kosher or sea salt, which are lower in sodium, and stay away from soy sauce as it's full of it.

#3: Reduce your portion sizes. Rather than eating the wrong kinds of foods, many people just eat too much of the right foods. You should eat just enough until you feel full, then stop. If you're eating regular, healthy snacks throughout the day, this shouldn't leave you feeling hungry.

•One good trick is to use smaller plates when you eat meals. That way, your plate will look like it's heaped with food, but you're actually eating less than you normally would. Also try to fill at least half the plate with vegetables.

•Try to chew more slowly and thoroughly when you eat. Chewing your food well helps to speed up the digestion process in the stomach, leaving you feeling less bloated and gassy. You should chew every bite until it reaches the consistency of apple sauce.

•Take small breaks in between every bite of food when eating. The extra time will give your stomach a chance to realize that it's full, thus preventing you from over-eating.

#4: Eat low-glycemic index foods. These items take longer to digest, so you feel full longer. Your body will slowly absorb the nutrients so you'll avoid any spikes or drops in your blood sugar until your next meal. Some of the best low-GI foods are:

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