How I Fell For The Badboy.

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Patiently, I stand at my locker and listen to Kimberley ramble on about Hunter breaking up with her. "I can't believe he would do this to me, after everything we have been through! I thought he loved me." She is my best friend, my sister. But we are completely different, people look at us and wonder how we even know each other. Here's the thing, she is beautiful, popular and just perfect. While on the other hand, I am the complete opposite: Sweet, clever and well simple. There's nothing special about me, nothing that attracts a boy, not like Kimberley. She is queen bee at our school and you would not want to get in her way, I guess she and Hunter have a few things in common.

Coincidentally, Hunter is like, how do I put this, sexiest boy ever. And I am not exaggerating, I'm sure every girl drools every time he walks by. Rich, attractive and sexy as hell. But I don't look at him like that. He is unbelievably arrogant and the baddest boy ever, that's what everyone loves about him. 100% Bad boy approved.

During my thoughts, Kimberley interrupted, "Maha? Where are you? Oh my God, half the time I talk to you you're always in your dream world. I'm in crisis here, my life's over." She holds me by my sides and shakes me violently.

I grab her arms and try to stop her, "Kimberley, calm down! I warned you about Hunter, but you didn't listen. He is an idiot and if he is going to treat you like crap, then he is a piece of crap. Okay?!" She stops sobbing and leans off of the wall.

"Oh, I guess you're right then. I hope he has very bad life," I laugh and we walk off, arm in arm to first lesson.

"Promise me you won't get upset over him again, even if you do see him, just walk by him, because you're way too superior for that low life. Promise me!" And she did.

"I love you so much. You're all I need."

"I love you too, Kim." Suddenly, as we begin to walk through the classroom door, Hunter walks in our way. But then he stops and stands back.

"Sorry ladies. After you." He says, it was supposed to be polite but all I saw was evil in his dark eyes.

Then Kimberley mutters 'creep' under her breath, and I'm so sure that Hunter winks at me. My thoughts are too surrounded around if Hunter winked at me or not, I trip over on Kim's shoe and land on the wall.

"Ow, Maha, watch out!" She moans. I apologise immediately and see Hunter sniggering, I feel like putting my middle finger up at him but I decide to keep calm. Trying to walk out my trip, I enter class and sit in my seat burning with anger.

Mr Elm, our maths teacher, is giving out our maths test. I'll probably get fulls marks, it's predictable. As soon as he calls my name out, I'm up at the front retrieving my test paper. I got an A*. Yay...

Hunter's name is called but he doesn't come up. I look around the classroom, just like everyone else is, and search for his messy blonde hair. At that moment, he strolls in with his untidy clothes and careless attitude.

"Sorry, I'm late sir," you could feel the arrogance in his voice. The teacher was fuming, so he put a stop to his stupidity.

Mr Elm stood up and walked towards him and yelled at him,"HUNTER! I AM SICK OF YOU AND YOUR ATTITUDE. MY JOB IS TO TEACH YOU AND YOU ARE ACTING LIKE I'M YOUR SLAVE. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. YOUR GRADES ARE RIDICULOUS, YOU CAN'T EVEN GET A C-. THIS HAS TO STOP. SO I AM FORCED TO PUT YOU IN A TUTOR GROUP." Oh crap. I freaking run the tutor group, Kimberley looks at me so fast I could hear her hair whip. I was doomed.

A calm voice started to speak,Mr Elm, "I want who ever runs this tutor group to stand up." As I stand up all eyes turn on me, glued to me. "Maha, I want you to privately tutor him. I will give you the resources and the school will pay you in cheques. I have spoken to your parents and they are fine with this. Have a seat." I am too shocked to even speak. What have I ever done to deserve this?!

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