Away We Go

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Isabella felt like a rebel sleuth standing next to Seth as they decided how to distract the cop who still stood in front of Serena's room. Seth revealed quick wit by collecting a few things that would help their search go undetected including latex gloves, plastic tongs, a disposable camera and indiscreet fitted black shoe covers. To Isabella's shock, his parents had all of these things in a trunk at the bottom of the hall closet. If they had a trunk like that, Isabella wondered if her grandmother did, too.

"Maybe I can get him to chase me and you go in," Seth suggested. "What do do think?"

"That I'm not going into the room of a dead woman by myself. No thanks."

Seth actually blushed. "Of course not, I'd never leave you alone...I was kidding."

"Maybe we should just tell Micah. He can probably hack into his radio and get him to leave," she suggested. But before they could carry out the very sound plan, the cop pulled Serena's door closed and began walking away from the door. Isabella and Seth turned their faces away so he wouldn't recognize them as he strode by the to the elevators. For effect, they moseyed toward the sitting area that was in the opposite direction of Serena's door until they heard the elevator ding its arrival. "Oh, my God. This is awesome."

"Sure, sure, let's get inside and out before he comes back," Seth marched forward and reached his hand out to take the key Isabella had taken from one of the maids earlier. They dipped under the police tape blocking Serena's door and slipped inside. But not before slipping on their latex gloves to avoid leaving prints. No need to create anymore suspects.

"Guess you really were destined to be a guardian," Isabella mumbled.

"Don't hold anything too tightly. Use the tongs for anything that's bunched together. We don't want things to look too different from how they were left."

"Yes, detective," Isabella joked, dropping her impressed smirk when he looked back for a beat before beginning their snooping.

Serena's room looked neat for the most part. The large four-poster bed was made. Her suitcases lined up inside the closet. It was one of their larger suites, luxurious enough for a world class writer looking for dirt on a family's legacy. A writing desk with items strewn across it caught Isabella's eye. "I'll check here."

"Yeah, okay. I'll check everything else."

The papers were not hard to sift through as they were labelled with sticky notes or quotes.

As much as she wanted the woman gone, Isabella certainly didn't want her to die because she was writing that book. There was no question it was murder and she had a bad feeling somehow her family or the building was a part of why this tragic event happened. When her eyes spied, a notebook indicating private notes about Foxworthy family history. She knew that had to be important. Hearing Seth taking pictures put her teeth on edge. They had to hurry and get out of here before someone came back.

Isabella thumbed through the notebook which was a combination of Serena's own notes and clippings from print outs and newspapers. She was surprised to catch glimpses of a few old photographs of a woman with bright red hair with the word 'granny' scribbled beneath them. 1953. 1954. It seemed that Serena was not really there to dig up present dirt but to find out something that had happened in the past, something Serena's grandmother was connected to perhaps. "Seth, I think I found something. Come here and look at this."

Seth dashed over and stared at the notebook. "Who's that? She"

Isabella slapped his arm.

"Ow. Vicious," he said, frowning, pretending to be hurt.

Isabella rolled her eyes. "I think this is Serena's grandmother."

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