Dear Death

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Dear Death!
Your the last on my list and I won't lie, I promise.
I will never say I love you. But there is times where I don't hate you.

You can be both a curse and a blessing. I understand that you are only following the circle of life and I know that the only certain thing in life is death. But how do you think we will react when you claim the lifes of children. Fine, I will accept that old people have lived their life and they sometimes needs to go to rest. But children! You take the life of children all ages even those who just developed a heart beat. How can you do it? How can you live with ourself?

Not only do you claim the lifes of those who haven't lived it. But the people who dies in accidents because people drive drunk. Why don't you show mercy sometimes?

I will, even though it hurts my heart to say it. Thank you. You showed me that you aren't stone cold. You took my sick grandpa's life. You ended his suffering. I won't say that you made me happy, but you help him on his way to heaven.

If only you could show more mercy for the children, you would be more accepted. Think about it.

With kindness


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