"I'm so going to hell for this,"

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Justin’s Point of View:


When Bruce parked the car, I took a deep breath, relaxing into the leather seat as I glanced outside. The front door came to view, the lights inside shining from within, casting a small glow. Just a few feet away, Spencer stood with his hands placed in front of him, his eyes hard as they stared straight ahead, ears alert to the things going on around him.


Scowling, I pulled the latch, pushing the car door open. Stepping out into the harsh winds, I slammed it shut, walking up the front path way that led towards the front door.


“Justin,” He greeted with a simple nod in my direction.


“Spencer,” I acknowledged back, straightening up. “How is she?” I murmured, Spencer immediately recognizing who I was talking about.


“She’s a little jumpy.”


Sighing, I tipped my head back, expecting to hear that answer, “Alright,” Handing him the cane that helped me walk, I pulled at my jacket, “Hide this for me.” I ordered, not even waiting for a reply as I walked past him to the front door.


Opening it, I groaned as I stepped inside, the cold disappearing behind as the warmth engulfed my body, welcoming me into my house.


Before I even had the chance to utter a word, Kelsey threw her head around to see who it was when her eyes landed on me. Standing up, she rushed over, “I thought you’d never get here.” She smiled though the lines around her eyes told me she had been stressing for the past hour since I’ve been gone, “You cold? Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want something to drink? Do you want to go to bed? Are you tired?” Her questions came one after another, not even bothering to take a breath in between.


Chuckling softly, I smiled, taking her small hands in mine as she stood in front of me her brown eyes gazing up into mine, “Give me a little room here, will ya?”


Blushing in embarrassment, Kelsey pulled away, dropping her head so that her hair curtained around her face to hide her burning cheeks. “Sorry.”


Placing my finger under her chin, I brought her back up to face me. Leaning down, I placed a gentle kiss to her nose. “It’s okay.”


Tucking her hair behind her ear, Kelsey licked her lips, “Welcome home,” She smiled softly, her eyes twinkling with happiness.


“Thank you,” I whispered, letting her chin go as I walked past and into the living room. “Where are the guys?” I asked while looking around.


“Oh, uhm, they left a while ago.” Twirling her fingers together she watched from where she stood until my confused gaze met hers.


Furrowing my eyebrows, I cocked my head to the side in wonder, “Why?”


“They said they wanted to leave us alone since you just came back from the hospital and they didn’t want to overwhelm you with so many people.” Shrugging, she looked away avoiding my smirk.

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