"you ruined everything."

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From inside the interrogation room, Justin scrunched his face, brows furrowing together in confusion as he spotted Kelsey through the window talking to Bruce. She looked upset like the wind had been knocked out of her, a frown tugging on her lips causing his heart strings to pull violently.

But his concern was short lived when the door to his left was opened, a body stepping through that immediately made all the hairs on Justin’s arms stand, a growl emitting from deep within.

“Calm down Tiger, I don’t want to be here just as much as you do,” Sanchez spoke in a gruff voice, an expression of utter disgust adorning his face. Taking the seat across from Justin, he grabbed the back of the chair, pulling it back as it scraped against the floors. Ignoring the piercing screech it produced, Sanchez plopped himself down, throwing a folder alongside a recorder down on top of the table.

“What the fuck do you want?” Justin spat, nothing but pure hatred swirling in the depths of his hazel irises.

“Watch your tone or I will have you thrown in a cell for the night and we can continue this conversation tomorrow,” Sanchez warned, his lips pulled back,teeth shown like an animal on attack.

Fighting the urge to roll his eyes, Justin leaned back in his chair, his jaw locked tight, “well,” he gestured towards Sanchez, “get on with it then. The sooner you get out of my face, the better.”

“You know for someone whose life is on the line right now, you’d think you would’ve learned how to control yourself,” he hissed angrily, feeling himself losing patience the longer he sat in Justin’s presence.

“You know for someone who’s annoying as fuck, you’d think you would’ve learned how not to be annoying as fuck,” Justin countered sharply.

“Keep this up and I’ll have you serving time by the end of the week,” Sanchez stood to his full length now, towering over Justin as he sat staring up at him with nothing but amusement dancing in his eyes.

“You’re pathetic,” Justin laughed, “look at you—you’re still so caught up on the past, you jump at any chance to throw me in jail. Guess what buddy? I’m not going anywhere, so take a seat and cut the superior shit because it didn’t work on me then and it’s not going to work on me now.”

“So naïve,” he laughed bitterly, “you never learn, do you?” Shaking his head, he shifted closer to Justin while leaning into the palms of his hands. “Do you know what this means Justin?” Sanchez gestured all around him, “the arrest, interrogation, staying the night just to get released on bail several hours lateronly for you to be brought back on different charges?” he paused for affect to let the words spoken sink in thoroughly before continuing, “it means that justice will not be served until you’re finally rotting away in a cell where you belong.”

Standing up, despite his hands bound together with cuffs, Justin cocked his head to the side, “no, Sanchez, I don’t think you know what this means,” he grinned wickedly, “I’m not going anywhere. Stratford’s mine baby, it’s under my control and you hate that, don’t you? That a sixteen year old managed to pull it right from under your nose and now, here I am, six years later and it’s still mine. I may have served time before but you’re sadly mistaken if you think you’re going to get any more out of me.”

Danger's back by:JileyOverboardWhere stories live. Discover now