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"Hana Fujioka..." A deep voice reverberated around the quiet room. "You have been found guilty on account of murder and treason. As your punishment, you are to be sent to Dimension Fourteen." Varianus spoke, looking down upon the smaller being.

Hana chuckled darkly. "For how long, Mr. Eustauffe?" She responded, looking up at the dark entity with a lazy, lopsided grin. The being scowled at her, his lip curling up in disgust. "You have essentially been banished from this dimension, so what do you think, Miss Fujioka?" The entity replied. Hana remained quiet, not really feeling like making any smartass remark. "No more snarky comments from you?" Varianus asked, raising a nonexistent eyebrow. Hana still remained silent.

"Good. Now, open the portal Erosa. Toss the little traitorous rat out," Varianus growled, shuffling some papers as he stood. Another entity stepped forward, slashing at the air with a clawed hand. "I'm sorry, Hana," the being previously referred to as Erosa spoke quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Don't apologize for others blindness to the truth. I was doing you all a favor by killing your silly little god." She replied. Erosa sighed, shaking his head. "Just go," he sighed, nudging her forward. She happily obliged, stepping through the portal.

"Goodbye, Hana... I love you."

Those were the last words Hana heard before the portal closed. She sighed, a single tear sliding down her cheek. She scoffed, wiping it away. "Damn Erosa... Making me cry. I love you too..."

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