Chapter 8: BaekJin// BaekHee--- Aish!

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[3rd Person]

 Even before the scene, Jinhee had a feeling that she needs to go somewhere, but she couldn’t remember. As much as she tried to, she can’t remember it. Soon her head began to ache because of thinking to much. Is it? The last thing that came to her mind was about the day.. Friday. It was the 13th day of the month. No, Friday the 13th has no relations about what’s happening.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Chen and the other members were being so goofy. Oh.. it was just Chen. He was just too noisy -.-

Heya! Chingus! Yeah yo!” while walking. Sadly, even crickets and owls never bothered to mind him. He was about to call Jinhee when he saw her feeling her head. Her other hand was gripping on the table. “Jinh---“ he was cut off when he saw Jinhee starting to walk wobbily, so he ran to Jinhee for support.


That was then, the time Jinhee fell in his arms. She fainted. Author, faint? Again? Wae? Why do you like Jinhee fainting?

( A/N: Because I want to~ jk, it is a part of the story, duhh----)

Just then, Tao noticed, so he immediately asked for help.  Kris rushed to Jinhee and he carried her. Baekhyun got her stuff. All of them followed. Sehun had something in his hands.




 They all brought themselves to Jinhee’s room. This was the second time. What could be happening to her? Is she still sick?  Wait, what is this I’m holding? A phone? Whose phone? I’m sitting on her couch right now.. some of them are sitting on chairs and some on the floor. Wait, that’s all except for Baekhyun. Yes, I call him Baekhyun. ‘bro’. Baekhyun was sitting on the bed beside her. Take note. Beside her.  Isn’t it unfair? It is. [A/N: you too are *eyes the couch*] Oh yeah.. Jeongmal mianhe~ Looking at the phone’s exterior, it really looks like a simple phone. It’s really looks unisex and I can’t get who owns it. Black casing and black phone, touch screen.. Let me see who owns it. *switch on* Wahh! I almost threw the phone. It’s a scary photo.. really scary, just on her lockscreen. Wait.. it looks like her in a scary doll outfit.. Yes, it’s her! The girl is Jinhee. Anyways, I looked at her phone. Oh well, I have to contact someone.. Her.. friends? Does she have a sibling? I surely won’t contact Taehyun noona.. She’s busy. While thinking of who to contact, I was already browsing her phone. Shh! Don’t tell anyone! I landed on her gallery. You know, it might help me find someone to contact~ (A/N: someone-to-contact nga ba? HA Sehun-ah?)

I can’t find any of her selcas tho.. wait, why am I in this section? *le opens one album* PFFFT… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA XD Pwahahahah xD hahahaha—ayyy my tummy aches xD I- I was laughing because.. because.. I saw my hyungs sleeping xD Wahh~ laxy hyung so epic~ He’s the best xD

Chen hyung wahahaha so epic. I wouldn’t bother to laugh at Suho-hyung-my-love, though he also looked epic. I won’t bother. I love him. I’d be happy if I saw Yeollie-hyung Wait, why does she have those photos anyway? (A/N: Guys, remember Chapter 4?) “Hey, do you know anyone we can contact?” I asked

“Her boyfr----brother!” laxy hyung said. Oh, so she has one! “Wait, what’s the name?” I asked, already searching through her contacts. “Wait! Oh no! we can’t contact him for sure! He’s busy!” Suho hyung said. It’s 10:00 am already.. Who else? I have no idea. Oh right! I dragged Chen-hyung with me, then we ran outside the house. I don’t know if he has any idea. A few steps from the gate, we reached the neighbor. *Ding Dong* After a few seconds, the gate opened--- SECONDS?! “Ms. Flash, is that you?! xD” Chen said. When the gatedoor opened, there revealed a lady rubbing her eyes. “Oh, what brought you here?” She asked. “ Jinhee needs you.. she fainted awhile ago..” from her oh-so-slanted eyes, to DYO’s eyes. “And we don’t know what to do” Chen added “ANO DAW NANGYARI, SULLI?!” One girl from behind named Song shouted from the door. Sulli ran to the house then went out immediately dragging Song and Fionna (A/N: You know, like the ones in anime xD) When we got out, we went to Jinhee’s house back again

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