(New Idea) Chapter One

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So rather than just repost AGAIN, I decided to keep the old chapters. Going to go ahead and put it out there anyone is welcome to the idea I previously posted. Message me if you want more details.

You see I had an idea and meant to write it down as I claimed, however I forgot with everything going on. College has started up again, had problems with finical aid, it's been kind of a mess for the past break and fall semester. However, I have landed on my feet finally and have recently done some thinking.

Before the whole idea of fears and Seto turning out to be evil, I had this idea that was rather different for a Youtubers Minecraft idea. However I've played around with it and a few good friends of mine have roleplayed it with me and I think it's a great idea.

Now, this idea isn't going to be playing into the typical Skybrine, WitherMU, or Enderlox idea. In fact I've got a plan and have written it down this time and done some thinking. Still needs and ending, but who knows I rather like dark endings, depends on the way you guys are wanting it to end, good or bad.

To put out there right now there will be no Herobrine or Notch in this story. The whole good vs. evil divine idea is over use. There will be evil yes, but not in the form of Herobrine or Wither or Enderdragon.

And I will be using Jason, Ian, and Husky for than the others. As remember most TC stories don't use them that much and Adam will be Skybrine in this and Ty, Enderlox as they are fan favs also. 

I can't give any more away but here is chapter one, comment on what you think. It's short as this is a test run.


Jason smiled as he put his clothing away into his bag happily, a vacation did sound great. Adam had recently got an idea that they all deserved some time off from everything. For once the others were in agreement, having been training recruits for a long time and such they felt some relaxation was in order. 

He smiled as he made sure to check over everything, two weeks at a resort on the beach. Sunshine, waters, and attractions. Adam made sure to go all out, having saved up for a while along with the others for this. And the fact he got a discount made it better. Skull Island as a horror resort attraction along with the fun in the sun type place also. The name was very cliche, but if the pictures were right, they'd be in for some fun for the two weeks.

The owner had personally gotten back to them on prices and was excited to here who all was coming. Adam was leaving the castle in the hands of two trusted advisers. They were Adam's friends since he was 5, Ross and Max. So everything was set, they catch the plane this evening. Jason was just packing early to be ready as he got his things lined up by the door to load up.

Seems Adam, Ty, Husky, and Ian all were packed. Seto possibly was fretting over what to bring books wise during late nights, and Mitch and Jerome were putting off again. Adam already made it clear should they not be on time, he was leaving their asses here.

Jason smiled as he saw Seto walk over with his bags floating behind him, "Lazy ass." he laughed as Seto just smiled.

"You wish you had my powers." he teased back as Jason grumbled at that but smiled. The two sharing a laugh as Adam and Ty showed up.

"Mitch and Jerome have yet to come down?" Adam laughed shaking his head.

Ian came in also, "I think I heard them arguing on whether to bring or leave Betty." he mused as he started to load the carriage, they'd be taking a plane to the island, redstone was interesting like that. As soon as he got to the last bad, Mitch and Jerome came down with their bags, ginning. "Only four minuets to spare, we made good time this round!" Jerome laugh.

Ian rolled his eyes as Jason helped get the bags in the other carriage. "So I have a cart with you and Husky." Jason told Ian as Mitch and Jerome were to themselves and Seto was with Adam and Ty.

The other smiled, "Sounds fair to me, it's going to be a hour ride to the airport, so we'll make good time and can find our plane before it boards." he told them as Adam nodded, happy to have someone like Ian to time manage them all.

Jason climbed in after Husky with Ian in last and the driver following the one in front. "So what do you all think of the pamphlet?" he asked as he opened it and place is on the small table so the others could see. "I'm thinking of seeing most of the theater acts they put on." he said pointing to the stage. "Seto said he'd join me for that."

"You already know Mitch and Jerome are going to the coasters." Husky laughed, "I'm thinking of trying water rides myself." 

"Yeah cause you fishes like getting wet." Ian dodged Husky's hand as he laughed, Husky muttered something under his breath as Jason shook his head. 

"I read they have parties in the commons area almost everynight, drinks are pretty cheap." he mused.

Ian groaned, "Last thing we need if for Adam to get wasted again... last time he humped the dishwasher..." he grumbled as Husky snickered remembering have to treat Adam for some bruises on his length.

Jason sighed, "Well hopefully he'll pass out before that, I'd hate to have to explain to the owner why Adam is naked and humping something." he told them as Husky laughed out loud that time.

"At least I won't be the one treating him." he said as Ian rolled his eyes at his friend. Jason smiled at them, seems like this was going to be a great vacation. He was looking forward to hanging out with everyone on the same level unlike when they are working. He's noticed Ian and Husky hardly get to talk to them when they are going their day to day work at the castle. 

"At least we'll do it all as friends, like the old days." Jason said happily, Ian smiled at that as did Husky. Like the old times, that did sound nice.


So comment, vote, fav or follow, whatever, just tell me what you think. And if you can guess the movie I am basing it off of you get a cookie! Keep in mind "based on" does not me it's going to follow the plot word for word, so don't worry it's not that kind of story that basically is characters playing the roles of characters in the show. 

Nothing wrong with those kinds of books, but this is just a Based On story not a rendition of the same movie. Sorry for the short chapter, it's late and I am a little tired for college was there from 9AM to 5PM, haven't eaten that much, and running on low energy right now. But hey got a chapter with a lot of typos. LOL

Gods and Men will be getting an update soon, so don't worry it's still on as is Danganronpa Youtubers and Sky Above, Water Below is still in the works of plot. Keep and eye on that and if you like this I think you'll like one of those also. Now my wrists and fingers are tired, and it hurts to writing like this on my bed when I'm tired and fidgety. I tend to rush things when I'm like this so that explains the chapter and short note. XD

Thanks for bearing with me guys, and I hope you like this idea,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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