Unprecedented Worry Part #1

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Taehyung had been feeling ill lately. He didn't know if it was from overworking or that his immune system just blatantly decided to fail him at the most dire of times in BTS' schedule but he was definitely not doing it on purpose. He'd been eating properly (despite his loss of appetite), sleeping just as much as the rest did (which really wasn't much considering the fact that all of them were busy preparing for their upcoming concert and were too jittery to be sleeping soundly after rehearsals) and drinking plenty of water so falling ill was seriously a wonder to Taehyung. He was taking extra care of himself, even going so far as doubling his vitamin intakes and yet he could still feel himself getting sicker each day.

If his efforts to stay healthy were any effective though, at least he hadn't caught a fever yet. But even that didn't feel so far. He could literally feel his temperature crawling dangerously close to be deemed feverish. And he was proven correct because two days of extreme pounding in his head and barely bearable muscle aches later, he felt ridiculously more feeble than before.

When he woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was sweating rather excessively although he was freezing cold. He could literally feel his hot breath against his skin and immediately, he knew he was screwed.

Resisting the urge to groan in pain and risking waking up Jimin and Hoseok when they were obviously dead to the world, he reached for his phone, sitting innocently on top of his bedside drawer. He unlocked it and squinted through the light coming from the screen to see the time; 5 am, an ungodly hour to be awake given his... condition.

Normally, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin would be the first ones awake but Taehyung guessed that that wasn't the case this time around since his roommates were dead asleep and when he stumbled out of the room and into the living room, all lights were turned off and it was completely silent.

Nauseous and uncomfortable in his own skin, he made his way through the kitchen and into the bathroom, a thermometer in hand. He made sure to lock the door behind him before he let his legs give way.

He didn't know how long it took for him to regain some of his energy just to get back up on his feet but he was well aware that it must have been a few minutes too long than for him to finish showering on any other days.

Sighing, Taehyung ran his hand through his hair then his face, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. He was really exhausted- if the dark circles under his eyes and the slight trembling of his limbs when he stood too long didn't already give it away. But hey, who's to say he was the only one tired? All of them were, so he really couldn't complain even if he wanted to. For all he knew, the others might be feeling as awful as he felt, if not worse. Any other days, he would have openly asked for ibuprofen and cough drops but he really didn't want to be the centre of attention. He just had to survive the day then rest more once he comes back home.

He checked his temperature and found that it was no more than 37.8 degrees celsius. That was not so bad, right? He could totally go for hours of practice and still last for the next day. Totally. He just had to control his temperature or at least not make it any worse. That was when he vaguely remembered reading somewhere that when one has a fever, they just need to cool their body down and what great way to cool his body down than by taking a cold bath?

Taehyung nodded in agreement to his recollection and weakly stripped himself off of his sweat-soaked clothes. He regretted it the moment cold air hit him though, making him shiver.

Teeth chattering, he turned on the shower and watched as a stream of water splattered onto the empty space that he'd be occupying in just a few seconds (or in this case, minutes, because he was surely going to drag this out). He was trying to convince himself that this was necessary and that he should get this over and done with because dammit it's unbelievably freezing in here! And he would have stayed standing there, turning to ice, if it weren't for the movements that could be heard outside, prompting him to get on with it.

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