One Too Many

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Arthit opened his eyes before closing them suddenly. It was too bright and judging by the flood of light in his eyes, it was clear bright day outside his hotel room.

Or at least it's the hotel room.

God, where is he??

Arthit groaned, moving his right hand to his face before slowly getting up rubbing his pounding head. He blindly tried to get out of bed only to entangle in something and fall of his fluffy queen bed.


Arthit tried to think back to last night. He knew he was on a vacation for New Years in Las Vegas with his seniors and friends, but what happened last night? Did he drink? He doesn't drink, so how did that happen?

He groans feeling hungover. He doesn't miss this feeling as his body is not ready to feel the queasy nauseous feeling. His mouth tastes like ass.

He grimaced when he could finally open his eyes without feeling dizzy again and noticed lace. Lots of white lace. Attach to a huge dress that is surrounding him.

"This looks like a wedding dress..."

As Arthit slowly got up so did the dress with him. He stilled watching the sweetheart lined fluffy lace, white dress rises with him. He wasn't surrounded by the dress. He was wearing the FREAKING wedding dress!!!!

"Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"

Arthit ignored the dizziness and rushed to the attached bathroom as a new wave of nausea hit him. He braced the porcelain toilet bowl before violently retching his stomach's contents and collapsing beside the toilet.

"Okay... Breathe. You are in a wedding dress. Doesn't mean you are married... Right?"

Arthit refuses to look at his left hand. He refused to acknowledge anything on it. He slowly gets up and notices his reflection in the mirror. He felt another wave of nausea when he saw the dress on him. He also had a white flower, attach to his hair, keeping his bangs out of his eyes. He squinted noticing the body glitter in his hair and on his fair skin moving down under the sequin dipping neckline. His shoulders and collarbone were adorned with multiple kiss bruises and love bites that have turned into colours of red and even purple.

Uh-oh... Did he also consummate his Vegas wedding?

Arthit groaned flushing and hiding his face in his hands, unable to look at him anymore and turned away from the mirror. How did he cross these many lines? Who was he even married to?

He gripped his face tighter looking back in the mirror over his shoulder and taking in his dress. His eyes widened even more as he took in the backless of his dress and noticed even more love bites down his spine and all over his back and shoulders.

He whispers barely audible to himself, "Was it a woman and a man?"

He groaned painfully before another wave of nausea hit him hard and forced him to empty every single content of his stomach. He was dry heaving now before leaning over the toilet, flushing it with his left hand.

He brought his left hand close to his face while wiping his mouth away, and slowly looked down at his left hand finally and taking in the wedding ring. It was a platinum simple band with three small diamonds on it.

He didn't know what was worse. That he got married in Vegas like some cliché or he likes his wedding ring. And it fit perfectly... a bit too perfectly.


Kongpob wakes up to the sound of someone violently retching. He was suddenly hit with panic from the momentary confusion of waking up somewhere extremely unfamiliar and daunting to someone basically dying in the bathroom. He tries to get out of unfamiliar bed from the tangle of stark white sheets around him. The room is too bright, the sun is coming in harsh bursting from the windows along the wall, shades threw open, giving a view of tall buildings and neon signs still bright in the morning.... Or was it afternoon?

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