Tagged two!

50 3 46

I got tagged... Again (why do you guys tag me? Do you actually like me? ;w;) This time it was by the one and only, ChillyNight
Here we go-

Username: Aqua Sea Chan

Real name: ffs... I'm going to do my middle name since I use it a lot...

Gender: Im a fopoon. Aka spork. Aka a female.

Nationality: American

Age: 15

Country of origin: The home of hamburgers and obesity, America.

Series: Black Butler (obv), Seven Deadly Sins, Toradora, ect.

Taste: You mean dating right? Well, in that case, I don't mind either gender as long as they make me happy and are kind. (And funny, I'm a person who likes to giggle)

Ethnic group: American? Idek

Dreams and wishes: Well, I guess I just want another weeb who can make me happy come into my life. Otherwise, I don't really know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Colors: Aqua, light blues, cream, maroon, and salmon color.

What I like: Reading, anime, music, drawing, online friends (ily Baka and Sky 😂), friends in real life, Pocky, food in general. I could go on, but I'll spare you your time.

What I dislike: Fake friends, bullies, awkward family reunions... *shiver,* horror movies (horror books i can do  :3), school.

Hope: I hope to become a professional artist or author. (Ofc professional anime artist ;3)

Tag 20 victims: (why so many jfc)
KyubsPubes 1
TheAnimeFreak2144 2
TheMagicMango 3
Midnight_blue_sakura 4
idkoksostop 5
Queenauthorofbooks 6
LaraRavenclaw2 7
otaku_is_typing 8
flirtgasm 9
abratasas_ 10
Erin_Nicole17 11
LadyLilith2928 12
LaitoSakamakiNeko 13
Dragonpup 14
trashyhooman_ 15
aye_ellie 16
ArtJoyfulNeo 17l
JustJudal 18
bunnyciel 19
brueberry 20

That's all the people I know
Ciao, darlings. <3

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