When Writing a Story.

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No, this is not an announcement. I just want to help out beginning writers who wish to create a book on this site. I probably have no room to talk when it comes to writing, but let's get into it.

Simple Rules.

No, I'm about 99% sure none of these rules should be on Wattpad's tos. But these can help you write better stories or help with descriptions.

1. Try using proper grammar. This includes not using modern slang.

I can not stress this enough. Proper grammar helps the reader understand what is happening in your story and will help with reading clearly. This includes quotation marks, proper spelling, knowing when to use an instead of a, knowing the difference of spelling between homonyms (when two or more words sound alike but have different meanings and spellings), knowing when to capitalize certain words, and the use of commas and full stops.

Examples of improper grammar:

The man said there walking down the road

You're name is weird terrance

Fixed, proper grammar:

The man said, "They're walking down the road."

"Your name is weird, Terrance."


The difference between you're and your is that the word "You're" breaks down to "You are." The word "Your" is possessive, like "Aqua is your name."

Incorrect examples:

"Your boring."

"You're posters are cool."

Correct examples:

"Hey, I like your posters."

"You're so cool!"


Differences between they're, there, and their.

They're is another compound word that can break down. They're means "they are."

There, in context, means, "Hey, look over there." This is often used in place of they're which is not what you want to do.

Their is a possessive pronoun. In context it is used something like this, "Their hair is red." Not sure exactly how to explain it, but it needs a character or multiple characters to be used, if that makes sense.


This is a newer addition, but I noticed this happens in at least 1/5 books. Do not use modern slang in a way it shouldn't be used. I'm sure all of you are familiar with it, but here's just a review.

Slang includes: idk, smh, idc, omg, ttyl, rofl, lmao, lol, stfu, and etc.

This applies a lot if you're writing a story, more than likely a fan fiction (face the facts, it's wattpad), set back before texting. An example would be 1882.

I would make an exception if you are referring that two or more characters are texting. That'll probably be the only way you'd use slang in a proper book.

2. Make new paragraphs.

When one character is speaking, make sure it is known when a new speaker is now talking. If your story does not use dialogue, or even if it does, when you're done with a certain topic in a story, like you're done describing a character or a scene, make a new paragraph. Don't make your stories in one paragraph, it's difficult to read. Optional: If dialogue is used, tell the reader who is speaking. This becomes optional in only some places. I'll explain.

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