Part 1

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I rose from my large king size bed and frowned. Today was Monday, meaning I had school. That means I have to act like a gentleman to every single person I come in contact with. My father, who is running for mayor, would kill me if I was anything but a gentleman. I laid back in my bed staring at the ceiling wanting to just fall back to sleep but being late was unacceptable. I got up and walked into my large closet looking to my multiple pairs of the same black slacks, white long sleeved button up shirts, and my dark blue blazer. On one side of my closet were the same old boring clothes that all students were forced to wear to school and on the other was the comfortable but chic clothes I wish I could wear. I wish we weren't forced to all be the same. No personality at all, I do not approve.

After dressing I went to my bathroom to wash up. I brushed my teeth at the large marble sink and then styled my black locks into a messy style leaving my bangs in my face. Our hair was the only thing aloud to be slightly different, we weren't aloud to have crazy colors but we could have whatever length and what ever NATURAL color we wanted. I smiled in the mirror admiring myself. I can't lie I'm good looking, probably the most handsome boy at my school and definitely the richest. I left the bathroom after spraying my perfume, yes a strong fruity ladies perfume, and grabbed my school bag. I exited my room and shut my door. I looked down at my watch and smiled a little.

" three, two, one..." I sighed leaning my head back. A loud scream was heard followed by crashing and thumping from a room three doors down the hall.

" I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!" I heard my little brother yell. Every Monday he fights with our made Haji about going to school. Whining and crying until she offered to make him chocolate chip waffles. I heard the crying for at least 3 minutes before Chan finally gives in and agrees to go if he gets waffles. I waited for him and Haji outside my room and eventually they come out Chan stumbling around still half asleep and Haji looking extremely irritated. When she saw me she sighed heavily and I smiled apologetically.

" was he a handful this morning?" I asked wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we made our way around the corner to my parent hallway and down the stairs. Our hallways are in the shape of an L. The short part has four rooms, my room, Chans, my gaming room, and Chans playroom. When you leave our hallway you take a right and you'll see a long hall that leads to my parents room, my fathers office, a library for my mom, Haji's room, and a guest room. But before you go down that hall to the right is the stair case to the living room.

" he wasn't to bad this morning he seemed more eager for my waffles so he gave in quicker." She said patting my back before heading to the kitchen. Chan latched to my arm  rubbing his face on it and whining.

" big brotherrrr please help channie..." He said cutely looking up at me. I smiled at my little cutie and picked up the tiny boy who wailed excitedly in response. I carried the 5 year old to the dining room and sat him down in his chair next to mine on the left. He giggled loudly and talked about his classmates while I listened intently. I loved my little brother a lot so anything he said I tried to pay attention so he won't feel lonely. My parents aren't around much so when I was young I had no one to talk to except Haji and it hurt. I don't want him to ever be alone like I was.

We talked a little and soon enough our chocolate chip waffles were brought out and we both ate contently. The warm chocolate melting in our mouths deliciously. After that I had to leave so I headed out the door and rushed to my car. Before I left I saw a happy looking Chan waving from the door and I mimicked his action and headed off. Man I love that little ball of sunshine.

My ride to school was a short 10 minutes. When I arrived in my sleek black BMW everyone glanced. Whispers started being passed around and I loved it. Being the center of attention was great. I didn't like being nice to everyone but all the cute girls was a perk so I could deal with the gentleman stuff. As I got out my car I was greeted by my best friends, Hansol, Wonwoo, and Mingyu. They all grinned at me as I walked up and I smirked.

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