Part 3

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" Seungcheol sweetie!" I heard a familiar voice call. My eyes shot open and I sat up in my bed. Standing at the foot of my bed was the most beautiful woman in the world smiling at me with dimples identical to mine. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing clearly.

" mom?" I asked with a raspy voice. She walked to the side of my bed and pulled me into a hug. My heart beat out of my chest. It was my mom! She's been gone for two months on a tour with my dad for his campaign. They'd both left 6 weeks before for the campaigning but she'd been gone on business representing a client in daegu. My mom is one of the best private investigators in all of South Korea making her travel all around picking up new cases.

" okay enough hugs mom. Why are you back so early, I thought you and dad weren't going to be home for another month?" I asked laying back against my pillows. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

" you say that like you wanted me to stay gone. Did you not miss your lovely mommy?" She said pouting. My mom acts like a kid even if she's in her late thirties. She doesn't even look her age.

" of course I wanted you home I was just curious." She smiled showing her dimples again and I could see faint wrinkles beginning to form.

" ah makes sense, I was the same, always curious." She said leaning forward before kissing my forehead and standing from my bed," I got a call from an old friend of my mothers saying she wanted me to look into something for her. I haven't really found how I'll get close to the person I'm investigating yet but I'll figure something out." She said leaning against the end of the bed rubbing her forehead tiredly.

" well be safe." I said getting out of bed finally ruffling my messy hair," now hurry and get out I have to get ready for school."

My mom chuckled crossing the room so she could leave," you should look at the time." She said before walking out. I looked at my alarm clock and groaned, it was 4:00. Why must she do such childish things, I'm never going to be able to go back to sleep.

Instead of going back to sleep I laid in bed for awhile staring at the ceiling. I thought about how my dad always tried his best to stay away from home. Making sure he can go to the farthest debates so he won't have to see his children. Hell he probably is cheating on my mom. I can tell when he's near she's unhappy but my dads a powerful man so if she tried to leave there's no telling what he'd do. I hate him honestly he's cold and demanding I wish he would just leave for good instead of fearing the day he comes home. I sighed rolling over to look at my clock, 5:00.

" I guess I can get up." I said to myself getting out of bed. Just like the day before I got dressed in the dull clothing brushed my teeth and did my hair. It kind of annoyed me that I finished so quickly when I had all the time in the world but when I was late waking up it would take forever. I picked up my phone scrolling through Instagram stalking my friends exciting lives. Unlike me, who can't go around and act like a fool, my friends go out and party and drink all the time. With my fathers job I can't afford to have any scandals going on. After feeling slight jealousy build I tossed my phone on my bed and grabbed my school bag, maybe I could work on assignments I didn't do. I attempted to work on my math but I mean who understands that with out the teacher explaining. I groaned pulling out more papers. I noticed the list of students who were supposed to work on meeting requirements. I did most of them I only had three left. Yang hilee, Young Seongnam, Yoon Jeonghan.

Yoon Jeonghan. I wonder what he's missing? He's smart enough to have a full ride so why would he owe something. I kind of feel bad for him, when we talk he doesn't seem that rude. Maybe he's not trying to tick me off and is just trying to stand up for himself in his own kind of way. Still I could never be friends with that guy, he's poor, he'd tear down my image and my fathers. Even if he's pretty, not even pretty, beautiful. I shook my head and stood abruptly, I can't think of him like that. My dad wouldn't approve. I grabbed my phone from my bed and checked the time seeing it was finally a reasonable time to leave, 5:45 isn't my usual leaving time but whatever.

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