Chapter 1: A Rough Encounter

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Korean, English, Chinese

Somin sighed as she made her way towards the cafe where she regularly hung out at, her service dog Cookie walking along side of her. Nudging Somin's hand Cookie let her know that she needed to calm down a bit before she had and attack.

"Thanks Cookie, but I'm okay" Somin smiled as she switched the leash from her left to right hand and patted the dogs head.

Upon entering the cafe Somin didn't notice anything off, as she's here almost everyday when she didn't have work. While she didn't notice anything, someone definitely did, that someone being Somin's friend Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung seemed to notice that someone was looking at Somin and Cookie with a disgusted look from where she was behind the counter.

"Let me guess Somin-unnie, a slice of carrot cake, a hot chocolate and a cup of whipped cream for Cookie" Chaeyoung hummed as she walked over to the cash register.

"You know me so well Chae, here's the money" Somin chuckled as she handed over the money and went over to sit in her normal seat by the window.

While Somin sat petting Cookie an upper grade student walked over to her, obviously not in a good mood. Just as she was about to ask him what he needed he began to say that a dog has no right to be in a public place like a cafe. Somin tried saying otherwise but the guy slammed his fist down on the table, saying that she had no right to have a service dog if something isn't wrong with her and that they shouldn't allowed to be in a college. The slam of the guys hand and his raised voice was enough to make Somin to begin panicking and Cookie began pawing at her while resting her head on Somin's lap.

"Oh so your mangy mutt is supposed to calm you down, I don't think so" the guy growled as he yanked Cookie away from Somin and began pulling at Cookies vest, parts of it digging into the dogs back.

"Let go of my dog! Get off of my dog! Get away from my fucking dog!" Somin cried as she began having a breakdown.

Having enough of what she was seeing Chaeyoung hopped over the counter and walked over to the man before shoving him away from Cookie.

"I think it's time for you to leave, it's one thing to shout at someone, no less someone with a service dog. And try to physically injure the dog, especially when it's my friend's service dog" Chaeyoung growled while allowing Cookie to run over to the now fully broken down Somin "You better leave before I call the dean about you harassing a disabled student"

The man scuffed and shoved past Chaeyoung and left the cafe, leaving Somin in an extremely broken state. Chaeyoung quickly turned to Somin and began rubbing her arms, trying to get her to calm down. After she calmed down a bit Somin began apologizing for having a breakdown, but Chaeyoung dismisses her saying that it wasn't her fault and that she shouldn't be sorry.

"Hey how about I close up shop early and we head back to your place and watch Knowing Bros, that always seems to calm you down after something"

"Alright, thanks again Chae"

"It's nothing, you're like a sister to me. I will always stand up for you if you can't do it yourself. Come on let's stop by the soccer field and pick up Leeyin before heading back.

Later on the three girls were all in lounge wear and watching Knowing Bros, laughing at their skits and at the guests doing something stupid. Leeyin looked over at Somin before asking her what the story is behind her getting a service dog. Somin's breath hitched in her throat before explaining.

"I was physically and emotionally abused growing up, my father was the worst. Some of the things I don't want to repeat what he said or did, after having many break downs during my early teens I was diagnosed with extreme anxiety and PTSD. So the doctors assigned me Cookie as a service dog while she was still only a couple months old" Somin let out a shaky sigh before carrying on "Many of the things that happened to me caused scars, not just physical ones though, many of them are emotional scars"

Looking down while tears filled her eyes Somin stated that the one thing she can't repeat is something her father didn't monthly from the time she was 10. Believing she's heard enough Leeyin tackled Somin into a hug while burying her face in her neck, saying that she wishes that she could beat her father with her soccer cleats. Letting out a weak laugh Somin returned the hug while Chaeyoung was working on making hot chocolate.

"I finished the hot chocolate. Oh my fucking god Seulgi just fucking nailed Hodong in the ear!" Chaeyoung shouted as she brought the hot chocolate into the living room.

The two looked at Chae before laughing their asses off at the younger girl, who was now zoned out while watching the tv with a tray of hot chocolate still in her hands. This seemed to snap Chae out of her thoughts and she asked why they were laughing, not realizing that she was completely zoned out for a good ten minutes. After she realized what they were laughing at she began to pout before smacking them with a pillow, after setting down the hot chocolate of course.

"Hey guys we should start heading to bed, it's already late and I have work tomorrow" Chae yawned as she flopped onto the love seat.

The older girls agreed as they got ready for bed, Somin in her room and the two others crashing in the living room. Once ready to settle for the night Somin looked out the window to see a shooting star.

"I wish that something good would happen to me for once in my life, I just want to be happy" Somin yawned before slipping into a deep sleep with a small red plush held to her chest.

What she didn't know is that her wish would soon be granted and she'll be in for a big surprise in the morning.

What she didn't know is that her wish would soon be granted and she'll be in for a big surprise in the morning

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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