Holden's Dying Wish

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Jennifer sits on her lilac smeared bed, her eyebrows arched with deep confusion. She holds the note from Holden in her hands - his suicide note. "Dear Jennie, I know this may come off a little unprecedented but: I'm sorry. You were the easy way out for me. All of this has been for nothing and I am truly sad that I created everything. That's why I have left this earth but you have unfinished business. Take this poison and kill her once and for all. She's the devil. All my forgiveness, H", reads the letter. Jennifer tears up on her bed, as Victoria walks in, wearing a black jumpsuit and newly dyed auburn hair. Victoria comforts her best friend as she ponders, "Do you still have the poison?". Jennifer shakes her head, no. "I gave it to Bailey. My mother took her daughter. This is our one chance to end her for good. I know it's from Holden but, maybe it's his penance or something?", Jennifer hopes. "We can hope so, Jen. We can", assures Victoria, who seems bothered. "Are you okay? You seem off", questions Jennifer, taking her mind off of her brother's suicidal plan to kill their mother. Victoria takes a deep breath in and blurts out, "I think Kennedy was the one who attacked me that night. I think she's The Nurse". The room fills with silence for a few moments. Jennifer perks up, "Are you sure?". "No but I got a video from someone with a video of Kennedy dragging my across the floor that night". All of a sudden, Jennifer bursts out laughing. "Vic! We've been dealing with anonymous texts and killers for far too long now; that text was a farce. The real Nurse probably sent that to you because they think you and Kennedy should break up. It's what they want", giggles Jennifer, having not done that in a while. "Wait, seriously?", beams Victoria, as a light shines her eyes. Jennifer nods, "Obviously. Don't let that person hurt your relationship. It's not worth it".

A red Toyota car speeds down the spring leaves covered streets of New Quay, pursuing another darkened vehicle. A frantically panicked Bailey is in the red car, chasing after Audrey and the innocent Maddie. Sweat drips off every edge of Bailey's face as she screams out of the window, "I'll get you Maddie, don't worry". As a response to this comment, Audrey sticks her hand out of the driver's window and sticks her middle finger up, deeply insulting Bailey, who reaches 90 m/ph. Audrey looks over at her petrified granddaughter, who's crying, "I wanna see my mommy!", repeatedly. "Maddie, I'm mommy's mommy. I'm here to love and nurture you", calms Audrey, playing off the innocence of Maddie. As Audrey blazes down the street with Bailey on her tail, she suddenly feels a sharp stabbing pain coming from her abdomen region, which causes her to lose control of the car. Highlighted by Maddie's high pitched screams of terror, the car ploughs into a street pole, crushing it. The police and ambulance services, who were behind Bailey, asses the crash site, as a desperate Bailey rushes over to see her endangered daughter. As Bailey races over to the passenger side of the car, her everything stops as she lays her eyes on a piece of glass, wedges between Maddie's eyes, impaled in her skull. She's stone dead. Bailey collapses in a heap on the side of the street, devastated. Before Bailey can enact her revenge, the wounded and pained Audrey is whisked away to hospital, crying. She isn't crying due to the fact that she killed her granddaughter - rather she's doing it because one of her prodigies is no longer in the running.

Victoria and Jennifer exit Jennifer's bedroom, as they discuss their plans for after graduation - which is in one week. "I have to get out of here. This college is so tainted. You can't even imagine", sighs Jennifer, not getting the college expedition be she had hoped for. "I totally agree", concurs Victoria. As the duo walk down the stairs, they hear a ruckus coming from the ground floor. "Mice?", asks Jennifer. Victoria throws her a look of disgust, "Girl, I'd prefer a serial killer over a mouse!". The duo laugh as the creator of heh noise announces themselves to be the wheelchair bound Aria. "What are you doing here?", asks Jennifer. "I have to tell you something... about Holden". The three girls make their way towards the living room couch area, as Aria reveals, "He gave Audrey permission to use his sperm as her donor. It was the last stage of Project Red. They wanted a royal bloodline. When I was in the hospital, Audrey would come and visit. She didn't think I could hear her but I could. She said she created another killer - to distract you guys from the babies". Jennifer sighs, as her fears of another killer are confirmed. "Who is it? Who does she have left to do her bidding?". As Aria is about to open her mouth and reveal all, The Nurse bursts in the door, holding a machete and attempts to stab Aria, who manages to move out of the way. Jennifer and Aria rush for the basement. Victoria becomes defensive and she lashes the assailant across the face, knocking their mask off. "You", gasps Victoria, discovering The Nurse's true identity, as they slash Victoria's arm. Jennifer unlocks the basement door and she and Victoria race down the stairs as Aria struggles to get down in her wheelchair. "Jump out of it, come on!", wagers Jennifer, as The Nurse grabs the wheelchair and jerks it forward, throwing Aria down the stairs in a violent tizzy. As Aria lands, a loud crack is heard followed by the sight of her lifeless body, mangled at the end of the stairs, oozing blood. The Nurse walks slowly down the stairs, as Jennifer and Victoria frantically find a way to escape the basement. Jennifer turns around and lays her eyes upon the killer, mask-less. The Nurse is holding Holden's poison, leading Jennifer to gasp in horror, "Bailey".

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