Chapter four

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Phil's pov

I wake to bright white light. I screw up my eyes and peer through my lashes. The light above me is blinding...I don't remember it being that bright. I wonder why Dan turned it on at all? Where is Dan? I appear to be all alone in our room. His bed is back in place but he isn't in it. I feel slightly scared for a moment and peel back the covers. I look into the bathroom but it is empty. I peer into the kitchen to see if he is making some late night snacks. Or early morning...I don't know the time. I I fish around in my bed sheets and eventually find it. '3:00 am' the screen reads. My mind unwillingly drifts to the Arctic Monkeys song (shout out to the music I am listening to whilst writing) and I begin to hum the tune under my breath quietly as I wander into the living room expecting to see a passed out Dan curled up on the sofa or an awake Dan sat playing video games but I find nothing. I begin to feel slightly worried and I call out his name quietly into the flat. The sound is swallowed by the emptiness and I shiver slightly at how vulnerable I feel here alone. I pad over to the door bare foot and crack open the door. I let out an involuntary gasp when I see Dan with the frightening murderous stranger from earlier stood outside conversing through whispers and rolled eyes. Dans eyes stop mid roll and connect with mine. They widen is panic and he quickly motions for me to go back inside. However I'm not quick enough because the terrifying person with the blood red eyes grips my shirt and pulls me out. I pull but he has an iron grip on my shirt. I reach out a hand to Dan and he steps backwards smartly his expression blank. "Awh even your boyfriend won't save you now." Coos the stranger patronisingly. He twirls me so that I'm facing him. He eyes me with disgust. "You're not worth saving. You're fucking hideous for a start. You're not good enough to be fucked. You're a weak pathetic excuse for a human." He spits jabbing my chest with his free hand to emphasise each word. My lip trembles slightly at his words and he rolls his eyes and in one blindingly fast movement he whips round and pushes me up against the door. "Weak." He says before punching me straight in the jaw causing me to cry out in pain. "Pathetic." He says punching my nose this time causing it to bleed almost immediately, a Scarlett fountain dripping down into my mouth. "Hideous." He finishes delivering one last agonising punch, this time to my stomach. I curl up in a ball sobbing painfully and the room begins to swirl I peer up through my lashes and catch sight if Dans cruel grin before I black out.

I wake up tangled in sheets with a layer of sweat coating my forehead. I breath heavily my eyes full with tears. I look at the dark room and the bed against the door and Dans jumper and my shaking body and I begin to sob woefully. Just a dream. It was just a dream. I attempt to reassure myself. I stand up on unstable legs and walk into the living room fearing the worst. Dan is curled up, just as I had wanted him to be in my dream, with his head resting on his arm and his knees tucked under his chin. I begin to sob again at the sight hot tears pouring down my face like waterfalls. "Dan." I sob walking blindly in his direction. Through my tears I see Dan sit up tiredly, look around in slight confusion and then see me. "Phil?" He asks looking dumbfounded at the sight of me stood in my t shirt and boxers with no socks on, sobbing like my heart is broken. I hold out my arms to him desperately seeking the warmth and protection of his arms. He hauls himself up from the sofa and crosses the room in an instant taking me into his arms and allowing me to cry noisily into his shoulder. He drapes one hand around my waist and uses the other to trace reassuring circles on the small of my back. He drags his hand upwards until it is in my hair. He twists the strands between his fingers and runs his hand through my messy black hair. In most circumstances I hate having my hair touched or played with but Dans gentle, comforting touch makes me melt. My cries calm down to small sniffles instead and then just to the occasional hiccup. He holds me for a moment longer before letting go and pulling back ever so slightly. I keep my arms firmly around him terrified of letting him go, as though if I don't keep hold of him he will disappear into a cloud of smoke and drift away. He laughs quietly before placing his arms back around me again. He half drags, half carries me back to my bed and sets me down on it. "Don't go please." I mumble burying my face into his shoulder desperately. "I won't." He replies simply. "Now what's wrong?" He kicks his legs up so they are resting on the bed and crosses his ankles. I stick to him like glue. My head is rested over his heart so I can listen to the calming thump-thump-thump and one hand is rested on his chest and the other wrapped around his waist. His hands hold me close and his fingers are drawing random patterns and shapes against the fabric of my shirt. His head is leant on top of mine. I am blissfully happy and I don't ever want to move. "Phiiiil." He says dragging out the I. "What's wrong? Did something upset you?" His entire body tenses for a moment "did someone upset you or hurt you?" He ask his voice filled with anger. I shake my head against his chest. "I had a nightmare." I whisper. It sounds so pathetic and babyish now. I tense up readying myself for him to start laughing at me or calling me pathetic like the stranger in my dream. But he doesn't he just tightens his grip on me. "Do you want to tell me what happened in it? That might help." He whispers into my hair. I sigh and curl myself closer to Dan for comfort. "You don't have to." He reassures me quietly rocking me gently. I shake my head and then explain the dream. My voice cracks and shudders and when I'm finished I hide my face in Dans chest and breathe in his unique smell like I did when he was carrying me back from the party. "Never. I would never do that. I know we got of to a bit of a...bad start but I'm not horrible I promise and I don't hate you." He mumbles his fingers twitching nervously against my back. "I don't hate you either." I say sleepily burrowing a little further under the covers. He pulls the duvet up over my shoulders. I am glad for the blanket because it is quite cold inside our room. I had been talking to Ava earlier and she had complained about how hot her room was. "Are you alright now?" Dan asks and I feel him shift beneath me as if he is going to go back to the sofa."don't leave me." I complain tiredly clinging onto him to tired to care how needy and weird I must look to him."I won't." He promises. He stops trying to get away and lies down instead his head on the pillow and my head using his chest as a pillow. He is slightly rigid for a minute as he gets used to having me with him but eventually he relaxes into the mattress cuddling me close. I feel my eyelids begin to get heavy. "Thank you Dan." I whisper. He squeezes my waist lightly. "Any time." He replies.


I wake up alone, tangled in my sheets and Dans jumper. I sit up and feel tears burn at my eyes and I sniff stupidly feeling betrayed because he left me and he said he wouldn't. Glancing at the clock I see that it isn't even that late. Somehow I doubt Dan is usually the kind of person to wake up bright and early. I get up and walk tiredly around the rooms going through my morning routine: shower, get dressed, breakfast, hair. Or at least I would've done if there had been any breakfast to have. My stomach grumbles sadly begging to be filled. I sigh to myself and then pull my shoes on and walk out into the corridor. I trail along it shivering as I remember what happened in my dream and how me and Dan were chased along the corridor last night by those terrifying strangers. I descend the carpeted spiral stairs and make my way towards the canteen. When I open the doors everyone turns round to stare at me and I freeze in terrified panic until I hear someone go "it's not her!" And everyone groans and turns back around. I shudder and walk around the canteen attempting to find a familiar face. I see Dan sat at a table with his friends and catch his eye. I stare at him for a moment before turning away childishly and looking around the hall again. Eventually my eyes land on Ava and I wave at her hopefully. She sees me and grins beckoning me over. "Hey!" I say sliding into a seat on her left side because Hanna is sat on her right. "Hi!" Smiles Ava and Hanna gives me a cold smile and a wave. "Why did everyone stare at me when I came in?" I ask Ava shuddering again at the memory. However it is Hanna who answers. "We have a new student," she informs me her eyes glinting "and everyone is excited about it because we've never had a student a few days in before." I nod still slightly confused about why it is SUCH a big deal when the doors open again. Everyone turns in there seats as a beautiful girl with fluffy brown hair with blond dip dye swooping across her forehead in a fringe. Her large, shiny hazel eyes roam the room her expression unreadable. She is wearing a black panic! At the disco band tee, black skinny jeans and converse. She walks across the room slowly taking everything in uncaring that everyone's eyes are watching her. Eventually she seems to decides something and she walks over to Dans table and holds out her hand batting her long eyelashes flirtatiously. "Hi I'm Sophie." She says.

-an shoutout to the real Sophie who has been beamed into the story to become a trouble making character c; please vote and comment and check out the other stories on my profile c: thank you!!-an

Twitter: phandomdanosaur
Tumblr: fricklefracklephan

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